XIV:Love me

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Noone's P.O.V
Erik woke up in his bed, still thinking about last night at Lafayette's house. He then all of a sudden freak out but then realized.."Where's Esther m-my songbird!?" He jumped up and rushed to her room. He opened her door, and to his relief she was safe,he was completely suprised that she returned to him as he promised...

He walked to her bed and bent down. She looked like a angel that was asleep. He kissed her forehead and her kunckles... "I Love you my angel.."

He back to his room and made plans for there day. About 2 hours later Esther was awake, she got dress and when to the phantom's organ. He was there playing. He stopped when he saw her. "Good afternoon my songbird!"

She was completely confused, "Did you say, good afternoon? How long was I asleep."

"For about 5 or 6 hours."

She understood now, she had a bad night she was worried about Erik.
"Erik i just wanted to say i-"

"Shh i know I understand Mon Amour...noone can really love me.."

"No! That's not what i meant i love you!"

Erik looked away and Esther pulled him to a kiss,Erik was shocked and froze
Esther pulled away slowly leaving Erik breathless...

"W-Well, now that you're awake. I want to ask you a question."

She looked at him worriedly. Erik, stood up and walked up to Esther. "Esther, would you like to go out with me?" Esther was confused."go where?" "I-I mean, would you like to come with me on a picnic?"
Esther smiled, "ofcourse.."

Erik ran into his room. 5 or 3 minutes later he returned with a basket and he also changed his outfit. ((Lol Charles dance am i right?))

He offered his hand, she took it. He lead her to a passage way, through many hallways until they reached a trapdoor, she heard birds singing. He lifted the door and they ended in a beautiful garden, with flowers, birds, trees and a waterfall.

Her eyes widened, what a beautiful surprise. She followed him to a stop that had a waterfall in the background. As he set up the food, she saw him smile and humming a song, just yesterday he was mad and his eyes were filled with hate..

She looked down at her plate, it was full of pastries and other bake food plus fruit. "Esther, I never had a...what do they call it? A picnic before so, I didn't know what to bring." She smiled and giggled she saw a smile come across his face. After they ate, he put out a violin, and started playing.

Afterwards, they when on a stroll and saw beautiful flowers, and saw a swing. Erik offered to sit with her on the swing. Esther agreed and they sat. He looked at her eyes and went serious. "Esther, do you really love me?" Esther nooded

he asked in a very worrisome voice, "Es-Esther i'm serious,i want... You always be there beside me.."

She looked at the ground, then to him and held his cheek as she slowly removed his mask... "Erik, I will be by you're side if you want me too. He caressed her cheek and chuckled under this breath. " Esther, love me that's all I ask of you." She smiled not caring of his disfigurement...

They fell off the swing, but they landed in a bed of flowers, they both started to laugh. "I love you Erik.."

"I love you more My Songbird.."

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