♛ | Chapter 9 - "butchering the night weaver"

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"I will choke you."
"Why don't you just choke on me, princess?"
"That's it." I stand, throwing my fork at my best friend. "Choke on that, bitch!"
A split second before the utensil makes contact, Gray expertly catches it from across the long table. Flashing me a shit eating grin, he says, "I never knew you were into such kinky stuff, babe."

I narrow my eyes at him, placing my palms onto the table and leaning in his direction. "I will come over there and stab you," I threaten as he places the fork into his mouth. "No one's stopping you from doing so." Gray winks.
I glare at the obscene man, really contemplating on stabbing him. "I will make you choke on your blood," I growl.
He chuckles, throwing the fork back onto the table. "Naughty naughty," He tuts, smirking.

"I believe we're meant to be eating food on the dining table, not making threats and throwing utensils, Astraea."

Gray and I turn to the entrance where Orion was walking in, his dark hair slightly curlier than usual. I huff, sending him a glare and plop down into my seat. "My name is Maria," I bite out. I didn't care that Astraea was my birth name. I've been called Maria all my life. That was my name.
"So be it," he says as he surveys the food on the table once he's reached it.
I frown, noticing dark circles under his eyes. "Have you been sleeping, Orion?" I ask, sitting up straighter.

Some people rocked the whole sleep deprived look. Orion did not.

He spares me a glance before walking over to the chair directly across from me on the long table and taking a seat, Gray on his right. I wait for his response but it doesn't come. "Dark circles don't look good on your princely face," I say, taking a sip of my tea, the only drink I always find besides water.
"My 'princely face' does not need your opinion, Astraea," he mocks, using my dreaded birth name to spite me.
I glower at him. "I though we agreed on the name, Ori," I sneer.

"You guys argue like an old married couple. Gosh, shut up," Gray whines.
I pick up my knife. "Don't make me throw this at you too, Gray."
He grins, picking up my previously tossed fork. "I'll take what you give me." He licks the fork.
I wrinkle my nose at him. "You're disgusting."
"Disgustingly handsome," He retorts.

"Her mate will butcher you, Gray," Orion chips in, serving himself some food.
"My mate? I'm going to have a mate?" I ask, turning to him with wide eyes.
He nods, "every Preserver is gifted one from their Throne. It increases their safety as Preserver's tend to attract many predators." In response to this, Gray gives me a seductive growl.
I give him an incredulous look. Some people never change.

He chuckles and then turns to Orion. "I'm The Night Weaver, Prince. Her mate can try to butcher me but I doubt he will succeed."
"Why exactly do you have such a title?" I ask.
"His powers as a mage is being able to manipulate the darkness to do whatever he wants. He can control what it does, how it's used, make something from the darkness. He's most strongest at night, hence the name.
Night Weaver, the manipulator of darkness." Orion responds for Gray, my best friend struggling with his words.
"Don't forget that I'm the best warrior you have, especially considering I'm so young," Gray adds hastily, like he was trying to redeem himself with his usual cocky self.

"You guys sure like your titles," I mumble, thinking of my own one. Lady Starlight. How absurd. My mind travels to the night it all started and the night I almost got kidnapped. I remember the blood trickling from Cole and Cullen's nose. My eyes catch onto Gray's. "How exactly did you use your power on Cole and Cullen?" I question.
"I made darkness seep into them and their souls. Just not enough to kill them. No big deal," He says casually.
My eyes widen. Darkness into their fucking soul? "No big deal, huh?"
Gray shrugs, shoving some bread into his mouth.

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