♛ | Chapter 15 - "dance with me"

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"Here's to our Lady Starlight, Astraea. May the stars light your path," King Elias toasts, his voice echoing throughout the grand dining hall with his glass raised. Eyes skitter to me and I battle to not blush in front of the crowd. "And yours, King Elias," the crowd chants back with their own raised glasses, taking me by surprise. I had no idea that was a thing. Soon after, we all return to our feast. Lords, there was everything and anything to consume. To lamb and salmon. To fruits and vegetables. So much food and with the way people were eating, it seemed nothing was going to waste.

I sat with The King and Prince with a table that was set in front of everyone else. We faced the crowd as they ate with there being at least five excessively long tables catering to the mage guests. I had never been in the room before. To think about, I hadn't really explored the castle at all. Definitely on my to-do list. Orion and I sit on either side of The King, meaning I had barely spoken to my mate during the dinner. We had decided to tell his father of our mate status tomorrow with the night's activities going on at the moment. My family sat in the middle table which I could tell was filled with the richer.

"How are you liking the food, Astraea?" The King asks with a charming smile as he turns to me.
I return his smile, "The food is great. Honestly, I don't think I've eaten this much food before."
He lets out a low chuckle, "I'm glad you're indulging yourself." I chuckle along with the man, cursing myself for how awkward I was. The dinner doesn't last long and The King asks us all to stand. I meet Orion's gaze, confused, but he only nods back to his father.

"It's time we begin our ball and officially welcome our Lady Starlight." Elias claps his hand twice and all tables and chairs are gone, just like that. Poof. In the place of our own table are three thrones, all varying in size. I was assuming the smallest one was mine.
Huh, I get a throne.
I inch closer to my mate. "I thought you said we were moving into the Grand Hall for the ball," I all but hiss to Orion, still reeling from the The King's magic. He only shrugs, "The ball came to us. Why are you complaining?" I don't respond once I catch multiple eyes looking our way in curiosity.

I turn my attention back to the massive chairs behind me. They were all gold and the velvet cushions were the familiar purple that I was starting to get sick of. The King's was obnoxiously tall with the symbol etched in gold in the middle of the back rest part of the throne. Similar to the crowns both men wore, the gold on the throne were woven in designs that made anyone stop and stare. The Hall looked much larger without the long tables. In the back corner, instruments were set and only now were mages walking up to it, no doubt the artists. On the edges were smaller tables that were littered around, holding refreshments, desserts and snacks to anyone who wanted.

"If you will," The King beckons, turning his attention to me as he offers me his hand. I don't hesitate, knowing whats to come next as Seraphina had informed me. Grasping his rough hand, he brings me forward till I stand next to him. "Preserver of The Night Throne, welcome," he starts and I bow my head in thanks, like I'd been instructed to. "As a Preserver, you have been born with a duty to fulfil, one that was bestowed by The Night Lords themselves. You have been chosen to filter through prized images to save us all." The King snaps his fingers and a cushion with the crown the past Preservers have worn sat atop it. "Do you accept your destiny and duty to preserve the lives of Night Mages and in doing so, become Astraea Night, our Lady Starlight?" He asks, his voice echoing amongst the otherwise quiet hall.

My heart beat falters. This was it. It was going to be official. "I do," I breathe out, trying to project my voice like The King had done. The cushion disappears as Elias gently places the crown onto my head. "I present to you, our official Lady Starlight!"
The crowd roars as I turn to face them, the liquid stars within coming back to congratulate me. The many faces smile up at me, the faces of my people.

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