♛ | Chapter 26 - "debt repaid"

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I hold my hand out to the sitting Orion. "Dance with me."
His unimpressed look doesn't deter me and I patiently wait. After a good ole stare down, he sighs rather dramatically and takes a hold of my hands. I had found a little music player and as soon as I had turned it on, classical music had strum out of it. My years of dance lessons were kicking to be used.

I lead my mate to the open area by the dining room and then face my mate. I grin up at him and place my free hand on his shoulder. Once he puts his hand on my hip, I lead us into a simple waltz. I hadn't always enjoyed classical dancing but doing it with Orion was something I couldn't toss up. Ever since the night of my ball, I had been craving to be back in my mate's arms once again.

The songs flow into new ones and Orion and I tumble closer with each step. He adds in a spin and when I face him once again, I'm practically flush against him. I meet his gaze with my erratic heart drumming in my ears. The liquid stars from within join our dance. His eyes flash gold.

"Remember that bet we made on our date?" he whispers and I can't help but watch the movement of his lips. I tear my mind away from them as I finally process his words and I run over our date at the fancy restaurant. It doesn't take me long to remember the bet.

If someone were to approach me in attempts of seduction, Orion would win. I had lost.

I nod, "I do." I only now notice that we're standing still, the music still playing in the background.
He trails his fingers lightly over my skin. "Do you remember what the reward was?"
I force myself to remember, my mind too focused on my mates magical touch. "It was a prize within reason. The winner got to choose when to cash it is as well," I whisper.

He tilts my head so I'm forced to stare into his eyes that blaze a fierce gold. My heart beats rapidly in my chest, trying to launch itself to Orion. "I won the bet, mate of mine," his thumb traces my lips and they part without my consent. "And I want your lips as my reward."

I smile despite my thundering heart. "Then why don't you come claim them?"

Orion doesn't wait and I close my eyes as I feel his lips on mine. They were soft but demanding. Cruel creatures that made me feel ways that I shouldn't in our cabin of purity. Our lips restarted the dance we had abandoned. I pulled him closer, not particularly caring if we fell off the edge. Just as long as I fell with him and his lips, I would be okay.

I grin up at him as he pulls away. "Remind me to let you win bets more often."


Me in an orange dress with a somewhat hideous bow at my waist. The king with me, although I had no idea where my mate was. I frown. I had no idea when this was supposed to happen, but something was off. The King- I frown. Something was very off.
I had gotten another vision from the stars. They weren't cryptic words like some of the other times but these images were disturbing.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I look up at my mate, forcing a smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired," I say. After the visions, Orion and I had agreed to retire to his room, the act quickly becoming the norm. I now lay besides my mate. I had thankfully upgraded my position on his bed from the foot of it.

"Astraea," he says, not buying my bullshit. I sigh, sitting up and Orion quickly does the same.
"Something isn't right," I say and describe the visions I had seen. I hesitate before saying the next words. This was his father, I remind myself. But there was a whole kingdom at stake. Otherwise, why else was I here? "There's something off about your father," I finally let out and watched Orion's face closely.

He simply stares back at me as he thinks over my words. That's another thing I had noticed. He was usually thinking when he stared at me like that. "It's happening sooner than I thought," he finally mumbles.
My eyebrows rise at this. "What is?"
Orion looks away, leaning against the headboard. "When a mage loses their soulmate, their other half is taken away from them. If death does not welcome them first, depression and madness will. In my father's case, he had embraced both."

I frown. "So you're saying that the King of an entire kingdom has essentially gone mad?"
He runs a hand over his face. "He's getting there. My father is strong, which is one of the main reasons why he was able to fight off death. He knew he had a kingdom to run, a son to look after. I should have known. Should have paid more attention."
I rest my hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "It's not your fault. Judging from what I've heard about the bond between mates, there was nothing you could have done anyway."

Orion doesn't respond. "Should we go back?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "We can't go back even if we wanted to. There's ancient magic preventing us from doing so before the week ends. Magic from the Lords to make sure mates are doing the ritual properly. Not even my father could infiltrate the magic."

I build a smile, for myself and for my mate. "I guess you're stuck with me then." I wrap my arm around his shoulders, giving him a side hug. Orion meets my gaze and I smile wider for him, letting him know that he had me through thick and thin. In turn, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer till my side is flush against his. "And you're stuck with me," he says.
I wink. "I don't mind being stuck with you in any way, Orion."

He squeezes my hip as he responds. "You test my patience, Astraea."
"That's where all the fun is." I let my head fall onto his shoulder as I fight off a yawn. These damn visions took too much energy. "Do you want kids in the future?" I ask. I had yet to decide if I wanted any.
"In the future, I would like to have a few. Of course, that's only if you want to have children. I would completely understand if you don't want any." Orion brushes his thumb back and forth on my hip and I have to refrain from pulling up my shirt a tad to allow some skin to skin contact. Behave Astraea.

"Perhaps in the future," I pause and then add, "the far future." It warmed me to know that the prince wouldn't force me to give him heirs. I then frown. "You can't have kids with anyone else though." I look up at him to get my point across. He was a prince with no siblings. The bloodline had to continue somehow. The thought of him having kids with anyone else was not one I would entertain.
"I thought we went over this already. You're it for me. Nobody but you gets the privilege to bear my children," he murmurs, cupping my face with his palm.

I roll my eyes, determined not to let his intoxicating touch distract me. "The privilege to bear your children?" I repeat. "It's a privilege to even be able to touch me," I state haughtily.
Orion smirks down at me. "And it's a privilege I'm willing to take advantage of." As soon as his words are out, I feel his lips on mine for the second time today. It was a simple kiss. Lips on lips. Yet, the desire it created was somewhat alarming. Despite this, I all but melt into his touch, yearning for all that I could get. He pulls away all too soon and I refrain from whining, resting my forehead against his. "By all means, take advantage all you want," I murmur, our breaths entwining with our close proximity.

I pull back as I let out another yawn. "I should probably head to bed." I let go of my mate's shoulders and stretch my arms above my head. I rub my eyes and begin to get off the bed when Orion stops me, grabbing a hold of my hand.

"Don't leave tonight, Astraea," he whispers and I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. Why would I want to? I return to his side, never hesitating to slip under the covers. I had never shared a bed with anyone before, not even Seraphina. But I couldn't bring myself to feel nervous or shy. This was Orion we were talking about. He was my mate. I would always be comfortable as long as it was with him.

I let him pull me to him, the act so natural I mold to his side without any trouble. "Sleep Astraea," he tells me and I do with a smile on my face.

I knew I was attracted to my mate. I knew that from the very beginning.
But as my heart clenched with his cold that was so warm, I knew it was going to be easy from now on. Easy to love my mate, my soulmate that was meant for me as much as I was meant for him.
I had already started that journey.

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