Friends?(part 1)

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Namjoon's POV

It was her. The mystery girl I followed around since the day of the tradgedy. 


The one for me. 


My first love.


 My only love. 


My true love.


She was truly my inspiration to all the lyrics I wrote and will write in the future. Some people would say that it was my determination, they're not half wrong, but my determination was purely to get her to fall in love with me. Just like I had fallen in love with her. In words, love is underestimated. It's like like a drug to an addict. Like alcohol to a drunkard. At first you know it's wrong, but then you can't seem to get enough. It's a pattern. History will repeat itself over and over but only the ones who create history have the power to change it. I don't think she knows. She feels I'm familiar. I can see the familiarity breezing through her eyes, the uncertainty clear in her gaze. 

Reading expressions is just another talent of mine. However only very few people know it. In the moment it was just us two. No one else, not even the boys. No one. Our minds devoid of time and consciousness. Then she broke it. She broke the silence that had raged war between us only milliseconds ago. Then we were back to reality. Back to me being a famous rapper and her, a Gucci stylist. Back to our rightful places. Or so we thought.


What the hell just happened. There was something  there. I knew there was, but I just had to find out what. I had my suspicions, but I couldn't be sure. Out of the blue, a heavily muscled hand jostled me away from the millions of questions that raced through my mind- and back to the present.

A soft voice started to speak and quickly I swivelled my head in it's direction, my eyes landed on a masculine figure leanly built and rocked a Victorian cut style suit that perfectly matched with his silver hair, that seemed blindingly beautiful in the bright lighting of the store. It shimmered, reminding me of a beautiful starry night sky. Suddenly he spoke. His plump pink lips softly making out words. " Aneyeoung hasseo, my name is Park Jimin. May I ask your name?" I felt slightly dazed as I watched his lips softly pronounciating the words. Then I noticed his expectant stare and I self consciously cleared my throat to answer his question. "Anneyeoung hasseo, my name is y/n, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. Today I will be your stylist and my coworker yeonwoo will also be here if there is need of her assistance. 

Yeonwoo and I were coworkers, nothing more or nothing less. However I desperately wanted to be her friend because she seemed like a really nice person and she seemed genuinely comfortable when she was around me. Today was my one and possibly only chance to bond with her, and lord knows I'm nervous. But hey, who said trying to make new friends was a problem. But she still hadn't arrived yet, as my gaze searched the store to find her body it landed at the door way. She seemed to have run all the way here since she was a panting sweaty mess.


What yeonwoo is wearing:

What yeonwoo is wearing:

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Yeonwoo's POV

Finally, I arrived. I had to end up sprinting to work because of the late notice from my boss that I was going to be styling a few clients for the BBMA's, so I was puffing and out of breath by the time I stumbled into the Gucci store. As I peeked from underneath my bangs I spotted y/n, she was talking to 7 mysteriously hot guys. They stood with there backs facing me but I could already tell that they were hot.

To be honest, I'd never really had to work on such a big project, let alone with y/n. However I wasn't going to lie, y/n had it going. She was hot, stylish, amazing at her job and extremely talented, sooooo in a way I was actually really looking forward to working with her, especially since she seemed like a genuinely nice person. Unlike a lot of the people who approach me, y/n has an aura of sensibility and cautiousness, as if she was wary of each and every person around her. In a way, she was surprisingly a lot like me, even though I tend to be classified as sociality queen, it's hard not to be cautious of everyone who tries to be my friend. If it wasn't for my families background and looks, people probably wouldn't even give me a second glance. Suddenly, I felt someone looking at me. As I raised my aching head, I was greeted by the sight of both y/n's concerned gaze, but I seemed to have also attracted the attention of one of the ridiculously hot guys that were huddled in the corner of the room. 

His stunning, vibrant, electric blue hair shimmered like an ocean of sapphires underneath the blinding fluorescent lighting of the room. Not only did the lighting make his hair shine but it seemed to make his eyes look as if they were luminous. A streak of mischievousness was present in his seductive gaze, but it was overshadowed by the emotion of happiness and excitement. It sure was cute though. But I knew I had to keep my guard up. It was an oath I made to myself, that if at first sight I ever felt a sense of lust for the person then I shouldn't peruse because I knew, it could only cause trouble. The road it led to would only end in a fiery pain, and that wasn't a highway I was willing to crash on. So instead of holding that mans gaze, I lifted my heavy head and walked straight towards y/n.

For some reason, I had a really good feeling about her. I felt that we would be great friends...

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