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Namjoons POV

Jungkook was in my changing booth, we were talking about our concerns about Jimins health and weight loss when we heard two feminine voices getting louder. The voices were coming from the entrance of the changing rooms, then I realised that it must be Yeonwoo and y/n. I stood up and headed to the opening of the changing booths to speak with y/n and Yeonwoo about the outfits. I also planned on seeing what the rest of the guys thought of the outfits and whether it went with our vibe or not. We were just rounding the corner to the entrance to the changing rooms when we heard a loud crash followed by an agonizing painfull screech. Then I heard- I think it was... Yeonwoos voice? She was calling for help. Me and Jungkook rushed out the changing booths along with the others and we got to the main part of the store. As soon as we reached the main area of the store, I saw y/n lying on the ground with a half bodied mannequin laying beside her. At first I reckoned she just tripped over a mannequin. Then I saw it. The blood on her head. It seemed to have started at her temple but from our distance we really couldn't tell. At that moment I knew it was serious, but I also knew that even if we called for an emergency ambulance they probably wouldn't  arrive fast enough. 

So with that realisation in mind I ran towards the nearest first aid kit that I saw- lying just next to the women's changing rooms- and I quickly grabbed it. Running as fast as I could I finally reached y/n's side. Hastily, I opened the first aid kit and carefully laid out the medical instruments. Yeonwoo and the others just looked at me and then at the instruments then back with confusion and surprised laced through there features. What?! I can't just have graduated with an IQ of 148 and ended up being in the top 1% of our nation and not know how to stitch someone up. If that was the case for anyone, I would be disappointed because then when and where is all the knowledge you have in your brain be used. 

Carefully but speedily, I picked up a needle and thread and cautiously laced up y/n's forehead. She hadn't even winced or even flinched when I started the gruesome procedure. It was as if she wasn't feeling any pain. Then I realised that she was probably unconscious, the impact of the half bodied mannequin falling on top of her must've been pretty painfull, and obviously enough to make her pass out. At the sight and thought of her in pain I felt my heart twinge in regret, hurt and guilt. 

If I had just come out earlier. If I had come before it fell and had caught the mannequin before it toppled onto her. If I could've taken the hit instead. I would've, but I didn't. That thought and realisation alone, urged me to throw myself through a wall. 

Suddenly, I could feel y/n stirring beneath me. Even with an injury she looked beautiful and cute. Then she started sniffling as if she was waking up from a dream. My perverted and hypnotised mind travelled to thoughts of her sleeping and waking up in my arms. What would it feel like waking up to a morning of sweet kisses from her and comforting cuddles from me? What would it feel like going to sleep with at least a cute peck on the lips goodnight from her? I chuckled slightly inside at my perverted thoughts. It was confirmed; this woman had officially stolen my stone cold heart and is now forever and always on my normally controlled and mature mind. She was the only one who could tame my beast. The only one who could make my heart skip a beat at just the mere mention of her name. The only one who could make my whole body stiffen by just a delicate touch, skin to skin. I wanted her and I no longer tried to denie it. 

All those 3 years of me being her stalker and her being totally and utterly oblivious to her biggest and loving admirer...


All those days that I headed to Yongdusan park just to catch a glimpse of her. All those weeks that I left a few cups of ramen specially for her to eat. All those months that I went to Yongdusan park to see the girl with a pink shirt and a pair of ripped jeans thrown on and old chunky sneakers, who slept helplessly and vulnerably on a broken park bench. Finally, all those heart wrenching yet soul mending years I went to her sleeping figure just to slip a pink note that read 'I love you'. All the memories we shared that she would never recall. 

One day. Maybe I'll tell her. Maybe I could spend time with her, get to know her whilst she could get to know me. That's all I wish for.

Just one day. One night...


Jungkooks POV

Namjoon hyung had just finished stitching up y/n's forehead. The injury seemed pretty painful, I could even feel myself wincing just by imagining how the accident went down. Each time hyung threaded the needle through her ripped flesh I felt myself flinch. I couldn't help it. Just seeing y/n in pain had my heart wrenching. I didn't understand this feeling. I've never even felt it before. Maybe it was just a temporary lust, but if it was just lust then why did I care so much if she was hurt. I didn't understand. After all I've never been in a relationship before, and I was the maknae of our group so I was expected to mainly focus on my career and not on girls and dating. But I was confused by the emotions running through my hormonally uncontrollable body. I made a note to ask my hyungs about it later. 

Just then, I noticed a strange look cross Namjoon hyungs face as he stared down at y/n. He stayed in that position for a while, unawarely gazing down at her, scrutinising her features. He seemed to be familiar with her. But how? Have y/n and Namjoon hyung met before. I'm sure at least one of the other members would've known if they did. Wouldn't they? But it couldn't be. If I recall correctly from our conversation earlier when the rest of the group were introducing themselves; I didn't see any sign of recognition in her gaze when she and Namjoon hyung were speaking, but I did notice a hint of familiarity in her beautiful hazel doe eyes. However, Namjoon hyungs stare had been filled with knowing and recognition. He had looked at her the way true lovers looked at one another. 

It seemed odd. Suspicious almost. 

Was Namjoon hyung hiding something from us...

...He couldn't...

...Could he?


Authors note: 

Sorry my dear beloved readers for this cliffhanger. I'm also sorry for not updating yesterday and only updating late today but my life isn't so great at the moment so I hope yall can understand. Love u guys sooooo much for ur support. Pls remember to vote and share this book with ur friends and again thanks so so so much for all ur support. Love u guys!!!

Fighting ✊🏽🥰

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