PA assessment

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I had a performing arts assessment today, and to begin with, ie while it was happening, I thought it was going well. But now, I look back and I'm thinking, what if it wasn't enough?
Whenever I watch videos of me dancing I just look lazy. What if I watch these videos back and I look exactly the same despite trying my hardest.
I don't want to watch those videos, the thought of even looking at myself. I don't want to. But I just know that tomorrow in our lesson she's going to make us watch it.

Idk maybe I'm just tired. I need a good sleep since it was a long long day. I was at college for about 12 hours so.

Why does everyone else get to feel good and confident in themselves while I feel like shit? One of the girls in my class is such an amazing natural-born performer. I'm so jealous of her. She does it so well. As for me, these days I'm wondering why I even took performing arts in the first place.

There must be something I'm good at, somewhere.

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