1. Walk

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Adrien walked outside, the cool, evening breeze blowing through his hair. It was nearly midnight, but he still wore a red and black ladybug hoodie just incase anyone saw him. He slunk underneath the full moon, enjoying Paris' smells, sounds, and sights.


Adrien stopped. He turned back towards the alley he had just passed by.


It sounds like a cat, he thought. Adrien shivered. No cat should be alone in a dark, cold alley in the middle of the night. Even Plagg was with him, asleep under the collar of his jacket. Adrien made up his mind and walked down the alley.

Even though he wasn't Chat right now, Adrien could still see clearly in the dark. There was nothing there but a large dumpster. He walked up and opened the lid. And there it was. All alone. Shivering.

Adrien reached down and picked the kitten up. Luckily it decided not to scratch him. Adrien carried the feline under the folds of his jacket, and climbed back up to his window. He set the creature on his bed, where it started to purr softly. Adrien started to gently rub his hand down the kitten's spine. Something he always wished Ladybug would do to him.

Just as he expected, the purring got slightly louder. I know you need a name, but I can't come up with anything now. I guess I'll figure it out in the morning.

Adrien almost jumped into bed, when he suddenly remembered his father and his strict 'NO PETS' policy. Quickly he pulled the kitten up to his head, careful not to wake it. Adrien carefully pulled the covers up, so that Natalie couldn't see it when she came in, but the creature could still breathe.

Adrien slipped Plagg out, who was still snoring, and set him down on his head. Plagg subconsciously buried down into Adrien's golden curls like he did every evening. Adrien smiled. Anything that would come, would come. But until the morning, the little kitten was safe.

Word Count: 336

Heya Lil' Doritos! Just took a break. I might write more, I might not. In other words, I am very much confusion. Until we meet again!

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