2. School

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Adrien got up and stretched, almost knocking the feline out of the bed. "MRRRMMM." Adrien sighed. The little cat was now his responsibility, unless he could figure somebody to keep them.

He went to the shower. Its always fairly refreshing to have a morning shower. But before he could even turn it on, the cat raced in, twining around his legs.

"Chatton. You can't be in here with me!"


Sighing, Adrien gave in to the furball who wanted a shower too. Funny, he thought, cats usually don't like showers.

When he was done, he quickly dried himself off. When he noticed the feline shivering, he took a towel and dried the creature off until their hair was nice and fluffy.

{{{ TiMe SkIp }}}

Adrien carefully scooped the little cat up. They looked at him, pleading to take them with him. Adrien shook his head.

"No, Chatton. I can't take you. Its against the rules!"

This prompted the kitten to hook claws into Adrien's pant leg until he agreed to take them.

"Fine, Chatton. You win." Adrien put the kitten into the pocket of his jacket. They made a slight budge, but not a noticeable one.

{{{ TiMe SkIp PaRt TwO }}}

Adrien hopped out of the limo, waving to Gorilla as he stepped inside for class. Nino had his head turned back in a heated conversation with Alya.





Adrien sat quietly down next to them. This would last a while. Chatton moved a little in his pocket, probably from all the noise of the other two.


Miss Bourgeois walked to the front of the class. She had just opened her mouth when Marinette ran in. She walked up the aisle and sat next to Alya. The two whispered for a moment, before continuing to watch the teacher.

"As I was going to say, class, before Miss Dupan-Cheng arrived, we will be starting a project. It will be on Paris' superheros, Ladybug and Chat Noir. This will be a fun experiment in which we will discuss who the two are, and how their powers work. Also, Alya gave me the idea. She suggested doing a project on he superheros, and I think this might be a great way to get more in touch with our community."

"Alya will be with Nino, Marinette will be with Adrien..."

Adrien stopped listening after that. Marinette was a good friend and all, but she got so mad that she could hardly speak whenever he was around her. Hopefully it would go okay this time.

{{{ TiMe SkIp PaRt ThReE }}}

It was lunch, and the cafeteria was full to the brim with conversation. Probably about the project about Ladybug and Chat Noir. Adrien was worried about one little thing, though.

Part of the project was wondering who the superheros were. Including Chat Noir. It would be a slight challenge to keep himself hidden,  but if he did well enough he might become even better friends with Marinette. (Well, they probably are good friends already, probably)

Adrien sat down at the table, just about to eat some of the fried salmon, When a black streak jumped out of his pocket and on to the table. Alya, Nino, and Marinette all watched Chatton pick up all of Adrien's food and try and sneak back into his pocket.

Adrien held Chatton up by the scruff of their neck.

"What do you think you're doing???" He hissed.


I thought we had an agreement that you would stay hidden!"


"Fine. Have it."

Chatton gulped down the stolen meal. Then they purred and rubbed their head against him before curling up in his lap and going to sleep.

"Adrien. Why did you bring a cat to school?" Alya leaned across the table, looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, Dude! The teachers would kill you if they found out!"

"Cat... Found... Where... I mean... How... Cat... Meet.. I-I mean..."

Adrien smiled sheepishly and started to pet Chatton, which made them purr even louder.

"Well, yesterday I was walking outside and found Chatton in an alleyway. I guess they have abandonment issues or something, because they don't want to leave my side, even for a moment."

Suddenly Chatton hoped up and walked over to Mari, and head butted her lightly before starting to knead her pants. Mari, for her part, stayed still, paralyzed at the sight of the black cat on her lap. It looked like Chat Noir.

Adrien laughed softly, seeing Marinette's startled expression. "That means they like you."

"Re-Really? Likes... me?"


Quickly, Chatton ran into Adrien's pocket and mewed softly. Adrien waved to everyone and started to head to his next class, Chatton with him.


"Yeah. Maybe I really should get to know her better."


Word Count: 791

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