Voltron: The Way Forward - part 1

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Sorry it's taken me so long to get another chapter out! But now that it is I hope you enjoy!
Instead of Pidge getting chosen to be tortured when the Paladins got captured, they  choose Keith, and actually go through with it.


"What happened to Lotor and where have you been all this time?" Zethrid asked, angry and impatient. The Paladins all stayed silent, having no answer for the question screamed at them, though neither Zethrid or Ezor believed it. "If you insist on maintaining this charade of ignorance, you leave us no choice but to apply pressure." Zethrid snarled, clearly unsympathetic about the situation.

"Finally." Ezor said happily. "Who is our first victim?" She pondered aloud. Her eyes traveled around the group. They landed on Pidge. But she saw movement out of the corner of her eye and, on instinct, moved her attention in that direction. She saw as a Galra women, her face unfamiliar, move protectively towards the Red Paladin, almost as if trying to shield him. Really, she just made him more of a target. She locked eyes with Keith. "You." She said, and moved in his direction.

"Don't you touch him!" Lance bellowed, charging Ezor. But with his cuffed wrists, he was no match for Ezor.

"Your defiance is adorable," Zethrid mused. "And so very misguided." Ezor took her cue, swinging her hair (hair?) she let if entangle Keith's hands before thrusting him forward, earning a grunt of protest from Krolia. Ezor caught Keith in her hands and pushed him, hard, up against the wall. Him gruting in response to the cold, hard surface. "Are you ready to tell us, yet? Hm?" Zethrid's eye twitched in anticipation.

Shiro snapped. "We don't know what you're talking about!" He screamed. "All we know, is Lotor is dead. We have no idea what you mean about 'where we have been all this time' nor about how we escaped with our lives!" He panted, speaking quickly tiring him out some. He said in a calmer tone; "So why don't you just put him down? You'd be wasting your time, anyway, considering we know nothing."

Zethrid pondered this for a moment. "No." She said. "I don't believe you. And the price for lying won't make things better. But we will spare you, for now, the scene of your friend being tortured. Come, Ezor." Zethrid strode out the door, Keith squirming in her grips.

"Keith!" Lance screamed. There were so many things he wanted to say, but his mouth was unable to form any of it. Keith only smiled shyly.

"Keep them safe, Lance." He said, glancing slightly in Pidge's direction. He had seen the look Ezor had given her, even if it only lasted a second. The doors closed behind Keith as he was pulled out of the room.

Keith let himself be dragged through the halls. Of course, he hadn't given up hope yet, he wasn't that type of person. But, despite what Lance may say, he knew logic. He could analyze situations well, and this situation? It screamed he wasn't getting out of it, screamed there was no use in struggling, screamed to rather protect the others than himself.

Zethrid and Ezor stopped in front of a sliding door, taking a moment to put in the passcode. When the doors slid open, Keith had to resist the urge not to empty his stomach. The walls were scoured with weapons, all for torture. They had dried blood on them from previous...cases. The ceiling was short, having only one light. It shone where the chains on the ground lay. In case they wanted to examine, he presumed. The floor...the floor was the worst. Blood was everywhere. Some still in liquid puddles, indicating someone was recently tortured here. There were also dried puddles of blood. It was a sickly brown tainted with red. The look of it, the texture, was gross. There was throw up in several places, which explained the smell. Besides, you know, the fact that creatures, beings, were tortured mercilessly in here.

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