Chapter 1

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"I hate you!" I yelled at my parents and ran up the stairs to my room, slamming the door behind me. I threw myself onto my bed as tears began to fall.

After living in London for the entirety of my life my parents were sending me to live with my aunt Rosie in California; their excuse was that they thought it would be 'good for me to get away' simply because I was dating a guy from school. Granted the guy in question was five years older than me at twenty-two and the TA of my drama class as well as running the after school drama club but that shouldn't matter.

It's not like I've got that much of a chance to find a boy seen as St Bernadette's is an all girls school, even the sixth form doesn't let boys in. My social life is basically controlled by my parents; I have music lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, choir practice on Tuesdays and drama after school on Thursdays. What about Fridays and Sundays I hear you ask? Well Friday is 'Family Friday' where we all stay in, have take out and watch a movie, my parents call it bonding, I call it boredom. Sundays is church in the morning and stay in the rest of the day seen as my parents are super religious Christians and my step-dad is the pastor, I call him the spaghetti, but I sit at the back of the church and do my homework. Then we come home, have a roast dinner and I go up to my room to do more homework and Skype Mr Stewart, or Daniel as I know him outside of school.

A knock at my door brought me out of my internal monologue and my head out of my pillow only to see my mother. I dropped my head back down and mumbled 'go away' but she sat beside me and stroked my hair gently.

"Georgina, sweetheart, you know we love you and we just want what's best for you. Your father and I both feel that time away from Daniel would be good for you, healthy," she said softly in her democratic mom voice.

"Robert isn't my father so stop pretending he is, dad wouldn't care so long as I was happy and it's my last year at St Bernadette's all my friends are going to be having a party at the end of the year and I'm going to miss out because of you!" I moaned into my pillow. "You can't do this to me, not now..." I trailed off as tears rolled down my face, leaving mascara marks on my pillow.

"Sweetheart, we understand..."

"No you don't! Neither of you do!" I yelled, cutting her off. "I hate you, I hate both of you! Dad would have understood, now leave me alone!" My voice cracked on the last word, I realised that's how I felt utterly alone. I felt my mother get up and heard my door shut with a soft click.

I rolled onto my side and grabbed the picture frame with me and my dad in it. I knew it was harsh bringing my dad up but I didn't care. "I miss you daddy," I whispered and cradled the frame close as I drifted off, tears rolling over my cheeks.

I woke up the next day around mid morning to my phone going off in my ear. I smiled when I saw Daniel's name and picked up.

"Hey Daniel," I smiled.

"Hey Georgie, can I see you today?" he asked and I lay back on my pillows. "I've got something I need to talk about."

"Sure, an hour at Marco's?"

"That's fine, see you then," he said and hung up. No 'I love you', no 'sweetheart', nothing. I frowned as I got up and got dressed in my ripped skinny jeans and grey butterfly off the shoulder top before sorting out my make-up and sneaking out to see Daniel.

I arrived at the coffee shop a little early so decided to go in, order my normal cappuccino with cinnamon and find a quiet corner where Daniel and I could talk in peace.

I looked up to see Daniel walk in a few minutes later and smiled. He ordered his drink and came to sit opposite me.

He took a sip before speaking. "I've got something important to tell you and I don't want you to interrupt okay?"

I nodded and bit my lip. "I've got something to tell you too," I said softly, "but you first."

He nodded, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I can't do this anymore." I opened my mouth to protest but he rested a finger on my lips to stop me. "You're a sweet kid, Georgie, but I don't want to lose my job because I'm dating one of my students. I'm sorry, but we're over." I was speechless; he was breaking up with me?

I nodded, taking it in. "My parents want to send me to America," I whispered as tears started to roll down my cheeks. Daniel reached over to wipe them away but I turned my head, not wanting his comfort, not any more.

"Maybe it's for the best, a fresh start for best, a fresh start for the both of us," he said softly and I managed a nod. "You really are a sweet kid and I'm sure you'll find your special someone, it's just not me." With that he drained his drink, got up, kissed my head softly and left. I was still in shock and he left me sitting there, like a lemon.

I finished my coffee slowly and text my best friend, Luke, and asked him to come pick me up. Luke was like a big brother to me and one of the few people who knew about me and Daniel. I left Marco's and went to sit on the wall where Luke said he'd pick me up from, trying not to cry. Again.

I jumped up and ran to Luke's car when I saw it, tears cascading down my cheeks, and climbed in before telling him everything. He held me close as I poured my heart out to him and he stroked my hair as he tried to keep me calm.

When I was finished he offered me a tissue as I dried my eyes and gave him a small smile, he always managed to make me feel better.

"Everything's gonna be fine, Georgie, trust me. I'll get Skype so we can chat and you can email or Facebook me any time. You're too good for Daniel anyway, I always told you he wasn't worth your time." And he had, ever since I first told him I was dating Daniel. I curled into him and hugged his arm as he drove me home and kissed my hair softly.

"Thanks Luke," I whispered as I climbed out of his car and he nodded, not needing any words to say he'd always be there for me no matter what. I walked in through the front door and up to my room without interruption before planning on what I was taking to America with me.

I turned my stereo on once I reached my room and turned the volume to max before grabbing the clothes I would be taking on my bed. Daniel was right, America would be a new start, a new me, a brand new Georgina Rivers.


The pic is of my Georgina, Kat McNamara. Hope you like the first chapter and please comment and vote :)

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