Chapter 3

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Over the next couple of days I Skyped Emily and Luke as much as I could but because of the time difference we were limited to when we could talk. When we went back to school our time would be stripped back even more so we agreed to talk at the weekends unless we had made plans otherwise.

In between calling my friends I worked on my room and it was slowly coming along. My purple paint was bought and Rosie had gotten me the sparkly paint so I was ready to start adding colour to my walls. My posters were rolled up in the corner and my canvases were in the post so should be here any day. I had brought some furniture from charity shops that I'd up-cycled with paint and fabrics. I now had a desk, a bedside table and a more personalised set of doors for my walk in wardrobe and en-suite bathroom. Everything was looking more me, my dad would have been so proud.

One weekend, a few weeks after I moved in with Rosie, she had an unexpected visitor. He seemed like a nice person but the way he kept looking at me freaked me out so Rosie slipped me ten dollars and I went for a walk, ending up at the corner shop. I noticed the boys I'd seen when I first arrived sitting on the wall out the front, they didn't freak me out as much as before but the tallest still intrigued me, he turned his head and laughed at something one of the boys said but our eyes had met, only for a second, but they met. His caramel eyes and his laugh did something to me, my heart started beating faster, my knees turned to jelly and the tips of my fingers started to tingle. I almost went over to see what he was laughing about but I stopped myself and walked into the store.

I grabbed a bottle of cherry Dr Pepper from one of the tall fridges and went to grab a tub of Ben and Jerry's from the freezer section before paying for them. I walked back out as I twisted the lid off my drink and took a mouthful before screwing it back on and pulling my favourite spoon out of the back pocket of my shorts so I could start on my ice cream. I smiled as I went to sit on the wall, about two meters away from the boys; they were obviously staring, probably at the fact I'd just pulled a spoon out of my back pocket.

I turned to face them and smiled. "Yes, I just pulled a spoon from my back pocket, no, I haven't got any other cutlery in there, and no you can't have any of my ice cream," I said before taking a scoop and eating it. Emily, Katie, Bonnie and Luke used to call me Luna after Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter because I sometimes carried a spoon with me. I could feel a set of eyes on me from the group but it wasn't who I expected; I smiled at the young boy, he was probably a couple years younger than me, and he came over.

"What's your name?" he asked softly and I smiled. "It's just... um... my friends think you're hot and they want to put a name to the face."

I giggled and I could've sworn the tall guy's head snapped up at the sound. "It's Georgina, but I haven't decided what to let everyone call me yet, my friends back home called me Luna, because of the spoon," I said with a smile and the boy nodded.

"I'm Bradley by the way, Bradley Parker."

I nodded and smiled. "Well, it's nice to meet you Bradley; maybe I'll see you around sometime." He nodded with a smile and walked back to the group.

I smiled as I sat in the sun and ate about a quarter of my ice cream until I got a text from Rosie saying that Devin had gone home with a winky face. I stood up and waved goodbye to Bradley before walking home, only to catch a reflection of the tallest questioning him.

I slipped in through the front door and smiled when I smelt chocolate brownies in the oven. I ran through to the kitchen and put my ice cream in the freezer before sitting in front of the oven and watching the brownies bake, occasionally sipping at my drink.

When the timer went off I smiled and opened the door, a waft of hot chocolaty air hitting my face, before testing the middle of the brown slab with a metal skewer. I grinned when it came out clean and pulled the tray out with oven gloves and set it on top of the oven to cool.

"Looks like we've got another baker in the family." I gasped as Rosie surprised me but smiled and nodded.

"My nana taught me and then mum took over when she passed away. I haven't really done much baking since... since the accident, but I haven't forgotten anything, I smiled and grabbed the wire cooling rack, went round the edges of the tray with a palette knife to loosen the brownies before pressing the cooling rack to the top gently and flipping it so the brownies could cool completely.

"I'm impressed," Rosie smiled and started to cut the brownies into squares. I went to watch some TV after grabbing a square.

"These are really good!" I called as Rosie came through with one of her own.

"Thanks honey," Rosie smiled and sat down on the couch, pulling her feet up under her.

We watched TV for a while until Rosie said something I wish she hadn't thought about.

"You start school on Monday."

"What? No, I don't want to. There's no point in going, I'm going to hate it and I'll only have a year. All my coursework won't count so all the hard work I did lost year will be for nothing..." I rambled until Rosie held up a finger.

"I'll answer your moans separately. First, you are going so there's no debate there, you won't hate it and yes you will only have a year but that shouldn't matter. Your coursework from St Bernadette's has been sent over and your teachers at Westpoint say they'll remark it so it does count. Happy?" she asked and I sighed and nodded, I couldn't really argue with her seen as she and my new teachers had put so much effort into things for me.

"Thank you," I whispered and she nodded and hugged me.

"It's what aunties do, chicken," she whispered and I hugged her tighter. "Westpoint emailed me a copy of your timetable if you want to have a look? I told them what subjects you picked last year and they all fit apart from drama and economics, but I figured you'd prefer to carry on with drama so they've put that in," she said softly and I nodded. I pulled back to look at her, my aunt was the best person in the world right now.

Rosie pulled out her laptop from under the couch and logged into her emails to print off my new timetable. I grabbed them from the printer and smiled when I saw that Monday I had double drama, double free and then single english to finish the day.

"Rosie? What's study? Do we just sit in a classroom and do whatever needs doing?" I asked and Rosie nodded.

"Yep, that pretty much sums it up. You're in with about twenty or so others so it's a decent size, the school try and keep you in classes as much as they can so the drama students will be together, the psychology students will probably be together, you might not be with all your english class but there will be people in there studying it so you can discuss things," she explained and I nodded, that would be helpful. I checked the time and added on eight hours and smiled when it turned out to be around half nine back home.

"I'm gonna see if Luke or Em are online, so I'll see you later," I said and ran up to my room, grabbed my laptop and logged into Skype. I grinned when I saw they were both on and started a 'conference call' with them.

We talked for ages about all sorts of things; clothes, boyfriends, girlfriends, school, how things were there, how things were here, was I okay, was I missing them, what Rosie was like. I smiled as I listened to them talk, happy to hear their voices.

After about two hours they both started yawning so I suggested that we wrap it up for today and talk again soon. They agreed and hung up. I lay back on my bed and sighed, it was only half three and I was already bored. I played on my laptop, checked my Facebook and watched a couple of films on Netflix until I fell asleep.

The pic this time is of Georgina's aunt Rosie the amazing Emma Thompson :)

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