Chapter 4

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I groaned when my alarm blared on my bedside table telling me to get up but I didn't want to. I always felt like this on a Monday morning when school was facing me. As if she'd heard my alarm, Rosie burst in and tickled my feet only for me to squeal like a pig but it worked with waking me up.

"Come on chicken, you were really excited yesterday and now you're not getting up." I could hear the smile in her voice and when I covered my head with my pillow I heard her chuckle.

"Can't I just go in tomorrow?" I muttered and she just pulled my feet off the bed.

"Nope, I'll drag you in in your pyjamas if I have to but you're going in this morning," she said with a smile and I groaned before rolling out of bed and going to get ready.

I heard Rosie banging on my bathroom door as I did my hair and makeup, complaining I'd been in there for an hour and a half and that was after I'd had a shower. I sighed and opened the door as I curled my hair into loose ringlets. My eyes were outlined with dark eyeliner and mascara and a light dusting of smoky dark purple eye shadow covered my eyelids. My hair framed my face perfectly and I hair sprayed it as I saw Rosie waiting outside with her arms crossed and her foot tapping. I coated my lips lightly with pink lip gloss as I walked out my room and I was ready. Well almost ready. I slid down the banister and grabbed my bag before pulling my converse on as Rosie took the car keys off the hook and opened the front door for me.

I climbed into her car and she started the engine. "Be good, Georgia. I know this is a chance for you to change who you are but don't do anything you'll regret,"" Rosie said and I nodded.

I knew I wasn't going to do anything stupid; I'd just start out as a more confident me, set my standards a little higher. Rosie smiled and bought me out of my musings as she pulled up outside Westpoint and slipped the car into neutral but left the engine running. She wasn't walking me to the door and for that I was grateful.

"I'll pick you up at three chicken," she said and I nodded as I climbed out and made my way to the main office.

"Hi, I'm Georgina Rivers, I'm starting today," I told the receptionist who smiled at me and nodded as she tapped on her keyboard, her acrylic nails catching every so often. She didn't look that old, probably early to mid twenties and by the looks of her hair not a natural blonde but a brunette in need of her roots having a touch up. She handed me a map and popped her gum, not looking at me again so I took that as my cue to leave.

As I walked out I studied the map so I wouldn't be glued to it all day but that's when I walked into someone and nearly landed on my butt.

"Oh, sorry..." I said but trailed off when I saw it was Bradley's friend. He smiled and waved off my apology as he steadied me.

"Don't worry about it Princess, it happens to everyone," he said and that's when his voice and smile combined almost turned my knees to jelly. "What's your first lesson?" he asked as his hands skimmed down my arms to my wrists, leaving tingles where his skin touched mine, before he let go of me.

"Um... drama with Miss Cartwright?" I said as I slipped my map into my back pocket.

"Well you're in luck because Michael has music so he can show you where you need to go if you want." I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks Michael," I said softly as he rested a hand on the small of my back but it soon disappeared and I swear I heard a growl from somewhere. The group sidestepped us and Michael showed me to my class and left me at the door so he could get to his own. I took a deep breath and took the plunge by walking through the door. I relaxed into the lesson, everything seemed so familiar to me, like I was almost meant to be here, and the day passed without a hitch.

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