The Nurse In Black

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I am Andrea Lewis, and I am a nurse.

This is my story, and how I came to care for my patient, Andrew.

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Andrew had always been different from the other children. His frail body and weak immune system were two factors in a life filled with sickness. Poor little Andrew’s life consisted of his bedroom and home, to a hospital bed, due to his continuous illnesses. Andrew hated it… It made him feel helpless and weak.. His right wrist was numb to I.V. needles, and it no longer fazed him when an ambulance was called to take him when he couldn’t catch his breath while coughing. I hated seeing him in such a miserable state… Even though he wasn’t my patient at first, I would pay him visits whenever I could; so he wouldn’t be so lonely. He was a shy, quiet, and pleasant young man; who loved to read. Whenever I would visit, he was always reading. He told me all about the stories he’d been reading, and it made me smile. I genuinely loved hearing him talk about his books, and always looked forward to our little visits. Though one day, which happened to be a rainy evening, I was about to enter his room, when I heard his assigned nurse yelling at him. Andrew was crying, and her screaming at him wasn’t helping. I threw the door open, only to see this beastly woman slap Andrew across the face; telling him to shut up.

Without thinking, acting on pure instinct to save the little boy who brought happiness into my dreary life, I picked up a syringe from the table nearby and lunged at this beastly woman; tackling her to the floor, and injecting her with the contents of the syringe. Her struggling slowly stopped, until she was finally unconscious. Grabbing something to bind her hands and ankles, twine I think it was, I made sure that she was unable to get away; then I went to comfort Andrew, who was shaking and crying uncontrollably. I hugged him tight, telling him that it would all be ok, and that I would never let her hurt him ever again… Admits comforting him, I took my phone out from my skirt pocket, dialing 911. “911, what is your emergency?” the operator asked. “Hello, my name is Andrea Lewis, and I’m a nurse at Saint Mathew’s hospital.” I replied, still holding Andrew close. “I would like to report child endangerment.” “Oh? Is the child with you, Miss Lewis?” the operator asked. “Yes, he is. He’s in my arms.” I replied. “Is the assailant near?” The operator asked. “Yes, she is. I knocked her out with sedatives and restrained her myself.” I replied. “…Oh. That’s quite impressive, Miss Lewis.” The operator laughed a little. “Which room and floor are you on? We have officers outside.” “Fourth floor and room 137.” I replied, seeing the officers outside.

The door, then, burst open; scaring the daylights out of poor Andrew. He shrieked and hid his face in my neck, sobbing. I comforted him, held him close, and told him that the officers were going to help him, not hurt him. Andrew had told me that police officers scared him because of what they did to people. I told him that these officers were here because I called them to come and help. “They’re only here to help you, Andrew, love.” I murmured, wiping his anxious tears away with my thumbs. Andrew nodded, only to lasp into a particularly bad coughing fit. My instincts kicked in, and I quickly got him water, his medicine, and a handful of tissues. Holding the tissues to his mouth, he coughed a few more times, then took them away from his mouth. They were stained red. Andrew’s eyes went wide, and he looked like he was about to cry. I shushed him, helping him take his medicine, and drink some water. “It’s alright now, darling.” I murmured to him, as the officers took the other nurse away. “Breathe sweetie…It’s all ok now..” I rubbed his back, holding him close; hearing his breathing slowly settle down. Before I knew it, he had fallen asleep. I smiled and laid him down against his pillows, and tucked him in under his blanket. I kissed his forehead, “Sleep well love~ Pleasant dreams~”

*Several weeks later*

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It was a slow day, and I had just finished talking with Andrew about his new book. He was greatly improving, and he looked like he was feeling much better; much to my relief. As I went into the records room to find his file, to update it, I was grabbed by one of the doctors; who shoved me against the door, locking it with his free hand. His breath smelled strongly of whiskey, and his eyes were hazy with lust. “Lovely little Nurse Ann~” He smirked, eyeing me up and down. “I have a little problem, and I need your help to fix it~” “No way in hell!” I shrieked, trying to push him off me, but he pinned my wrists above my head; smirking like a smug teenager. “I’m not asking, Ann~ I’m telling.” His smirk vanished, and he tore the front of my uniform open, exposing my breasts; and leaving me too terrified to even scream for help. He threw me against the table, but I struggled to get away; managing to get one hand free and scratch him across the face. He punched me in the stomach for that, and I gagged; having the wind knocked from me. “Now, Ann.” The doctor hissed, getting in my face. “Just hold still and be a good girl for me.” “N-No..!” I hissed, spitting in his face. A look of disgust crossed his face. “That’s not very lady-like, little Miss Ann.” For that, he slapped me across the face. I was too scared to move again, fearing that he would kill me.

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