Sally Williams

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The summer was nice and warm that year. The sun, as always, brought warmth to your skin. Light breezes swept through the neighborhood and made the days not too hot or cold. It was simply perfect weather. But there is one summer Sally will never forget.

Sally was a young girl, eight years old, with long curly brown hair and bright green eyes. She was always polite, she never lied, and did as she was told. Her mother and father simply adored her; they couldn't ask for a better daughter.

Sally giggled as she played with her friends outside there home. Carious games like hopscotch and jump-rope. Even dolls and tag. Sally's mother smiled warmly at the innocent sight and wiped her hands on her apron, calling out.

"Sally! Come inside now, it's time for lunch!" Sally looked up from her doll and smiled.

"Okay mommy!"

Sitting down at the dinner table, Sally lightly bounced in her seat, excited for who knows what. Her mother placed down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crust cut off, some carrot and celery sticks on the side, and juice to drink.

"Thank you mama."

"You're welcome sweetie." As the child began to take hold of her sandwich, her mother took a seat across from the girl and smiled, watching her eat. "Guess what! Your Uncle Johnny is coming over!" Sally looked up and smiled, the corners of her lips had traces of peanut butter on them.

"Mmg! Muncle Jommy?" She repeated through her food. Her mother laughed and nodded.

"Mhm. He's coming to help daddy with his job and to look after you, too. Maybe all of us can go to the carnival!" Sally chewed the rest of her bite quickly and swallowed.

"Can Sarah and Jenny come, too?" Her mother looked up in thought.

"Well that's up to their moms and dads to say. But if they can, sure!" Again the child giggled and bounced in her seat, now even more excited about this year's summer vacation.

Over the course of the next few days, Uncle Johnny drove up to the house. Climbing out of his car, the man stretched his arms over his head and let out a tired sigh.

"Uncle Johnny!" A small voice chirped, earning the attention of the man. Sally dropped the jump rope she was playing with and ran over to the family member, hugging him.

"Hey-y Sal! How've you been?" He asked lifting the girl up with ease, and giving her a proper hug. The girl giggled and looked back to her friends, who were now waving in their direction.

"I've been playing with Sarah and Jennie. Let's go inside and tell mama you're here!"
"Sounds like a great idea" He smiled and walked inside the house, calling out the woman. "Marie! I'm here!" He called followed by Sally mimicking him.

"Mama! He's Here!" The housewife hurried out of the kitchen and smiled, happy to see Johnny had made it.

"Johnny! You got here safe and sound." The man placed the girl down on the ground an gave her bottom a pat to send her off and hugged the woman.

"Of course I did. Why else wouldn't I come here safe and sound?" He laughed, walking into the kitchen with the woman. Sally trotted over to the front door, calling out that she was going back outside to play.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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