Graduation Day

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It's finally Graduation Day Ceremony.  Sarah Adler is finally out of this Butter High School. Yes, BUTTER High School. Legend says the person who supposedly named this school was very drunk that day and he came up with name the BUTTER because he likes them.

It's the end of my high school life. It was the second happiest moment of my life. The first would be when Uncle Ben bought Disneyland tickets for me and my sister, Susan for my last year's birthday present. It was our dream to go there ^^ . 

Anyways, everybody was throwing their 'square academic cap' into the sky. We took a lot of pictures together. I wish my parents were here to see me graduating from my hell-- high school

My uncle told me that they passed away in an accident. I heard that a car crashed into their car. The driver was unknown but he passed away soon after my parents did. I was just 3 years old.

Now, back to the main story. I was happy for a moment there and then I saw my ex boyfriend, Joe Dixon. He was walking with a girl. I think her name was Kristen. They were being all lovey-dovey. 

Just yesterday he told me he wanted to break up with me. His reason : he needs to go to New Zealand after graduating to further his studies there and can't bear having a long distance relationship with me. I knew it wasn't the real reason. He has been seeing another girl behind my back. One time, I saw him kissing another girl at a cafe.

And you know what! I can't believe this man has a good-looking best friend, Zack Carson. Trust me, he got the appearance of a model. He was already popular in high school. You won't believe how many followers he has in his social account. I think it's almost 1 million. Even modeling agency want him to work for them. He is pretty cool and friendly. It's a no wonder. (For your information, I didn't stalk him. It's just sometimes my girl classmates can talk pretty loud. I hear things. )

Despite having good looks, I don't have a crush on him. Not even a tiny crush. He is way out of my league. I am just a normal girl that wants a normal life. I know my boundaries. 

After the ceremony, they said they were going to have an after-party tonight but I didn't go. I rather not. It's full of party people and I'm not one of them. Then, I think I heard Zack said that he's not going because he got something else to do.

Later that night, I found out that I ran out of menstrual pads... I need to go to the convenience store to buy some. Quickly, I grabbed my car keys and started the engine. I didn't even have a license yet but argh who cares.. (the police does..)

As soon as I arrived at the convenience store, I ran inside and grabbed what I wanted to buy. I went to the counter to pay. Then, I saw a familiar figure standing in front of me. I looked up and saw the ZACK CARSON. He works there apparently. Can you imagine how embarrassing and awkward it was to pay for the pads? 

He then said "If you keep quiet about me working here then I'll just pretend this never happened."

Well, it seems like he doesn't want anyone to find out about him working in a convenience store so I "OK"-ed him because I didn't want anyone to know what happened that night >_< .

I went home and rest my head on my fluffy pillow. "Tomorrow is going to be a better day than today" I said repeatedly until I fell asleep.

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