Chapter six

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Chapter 6

"Town to town, two-lane roads. The family biz- two huntin' bros! Living the lie, just to get by~"

"Oh my god. What the hell." Alex laughed as she watched Sam and Dean being forced to act out cheesy T.V shows. "This is amazing."


"Hey, how about we have some fun?" Gabriel looked over to the girl with jet black hair.

"Oh, like how drinking coffee was fun?" Alex replied sarcastically. "I'll pass."

"Hey! You looked like you were having fun messing with the cashier!"

Alex smirked, "Yeah but he deserved it. He was a dick."

"Then why don't we go mess with more dicks?" Gabriel suggested. "That came out wrong." Alex raised an eyebrow at him as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Yeah, sure."

"Bill Randolph. Kind of a hot-head if you ask me," Alex commented as they watched Mr.Randolph walk through the woods.

"And how would you like to deal with this hot-head?" Gabriel asked, taking a bite out of another candy bar, throwing the wrapper aside.

"Hmm..." Alex thought. "You know the Hulk?"

Gabriel smirked, liking where this was going, "Alright. We can do that."

Seconds later they were watching as Mr.Randolph screamed and ran from the woods back to his house, a large green man chasing after him. Gabriel and Alex followed, but stayed out of sight and tried not to make too much noise with their laughter.

Randolph ran up to his doorstep, quickly opening the door and locking it shut behind him. Hulk paid no attention to the closed door and easily ran through it, chasing Randolph into his bedroom and killing him.

"I almost feel bad for laughing." Alex laughed.

"Well he deserved it." Gabriel pointed out.

"Yeah..." Alex chuckled.

"We should get going before dumb and dumber get here." Gabriel stood up from their hiding spot.

Alex stood as well, "Who?"

"Yanno, the Winchesters?" Gabriel stated like it was obvious. "They're in town."

"Oh?" Alex asked, still confused.

Gabriel looked at her in disbelief, "Don't tell me you've never heard of them?"

Alex shook her head as they were teleported to a white room. "Nope."

"Seriously? Where have you been? Under a rock?"

"Well, no. But I don't really know any other hunters, which I'm assuming they are." Alex looked around the room. "Where the hell are we anyway?"

"It's a room I made, so we can watch the show." Gabriel smiled.


"You're a little slow sometimes aren't you?"

"Shut up."

"Watch," Gabriel snapped and turned on the large T.V across the room. A sofa appeared behind them and Gabriel gestured for her to sit down.

Alex raised an eyebrow but listened, "This should be interesting..." She muttered as she watched a black impala pull up beside the abandoned building it was sent to. Wait a minute... Alex narrowed her eyes. Sam and Dean? They're the Winchesters?! How could I be so stupid!

"Recognize them?" Gabriel asked, watching her.

"Uh...Yeah..." Alex muttered, then said louder, "I actually met them on a hunt once. I didn't know they were the Winchesters though..."

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