Chapter twelve

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Chapter 12

         "Uhh! I don't know what I want." Alex walked up and down the grocery store aisles for the third time, unsure of what to get her and Leo for dinner.

         She heard Gabriel groan behind her, "Can't you just order a pizza or something?"

         "Leo doesn't like pizza." Alex sighed.

         "So? Just get him a steak or something then." Gabriel rolled his eyes.

         "Yeah, fine." Alex agreed, then chuckled sadly, "The meat section is on the other side of the store...." Gabriel sighed. "Yanno what, I'm just gonna teleport there, see ya!" Alex teleported herself to the opposite side of the store.

         "That was a lot easier." Gabriel muttered from behind her.

         "Yeah. Ok let's go." Alex grabbed two packages of steak tips, then her eyes looked over to a random camera nearby. It had the camera part, that recorded everything, then a screen beside it so you could see yourself. Alex narrowed her eyes curiously at the image of a woman that was near them, her eyes were glowing.

         "Ahm....Hey Gabriel." Alex peeled her eyes from the screen and glanced back at the woman.

         "Yeah?" Gabriel asked, oblivious to the situation.

         "What...ah...monsters...have glowing eyes on camera?" Alex talked quietly so the lady wouldn't hear.

         "Shapeshifters I think, why?" Alex nodded her head towards the camera, and Gabriel followed her instructions. "Ohh....?"

         "What should we do?"

         "Does this have anything to do with your job you found?" Gabriel looked over at the woman while he spoke.

         "Yeah probably." Alex nodded.

         "Ok...well...." Gabriel trailed off.

         "Should we follow her?" Alex suggested.

         "I'll follow her, you head back to the hotel." Gabriel ordered.

         "What no! I'll follow her. I'm quieter, I don't have annoying wings flapping about." Alex crossed her arms.

         "It'd be better if I did it." Gabriel insisted.

         "How would it be any different if you did it than me?" Alex raised an eyebrow. "I'm fully capable of following some old lady."

         "Really? Cause look," Gabriel gestured to where the woman once was.

         Alex's arms fell to her sides and she sighed, "See, now she got a head start 'cause of you. Here." Alex shoved the steak into Gabriel's arms. "Buy the meat. I'll be back."

         "Hey, Alex! Wait a minute." Every. Single. Time.


         Alex followed the woman, while being invisible, through town, and down some dark alley. She had grabbed a silver knife and a gun with silver bullets beforehand. Alex hid behind a dumpster as the lady pulled open a sewer cap, and climbed inside. Ew. I'm going to have to follow her aren't I...?  

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