Chapter seven

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Chapter 7

        “Hey! Who turned out the lights?!” Alex jumped up from her bed as all of the lights in the mansion shut off. She groaned and went downstairs to ask her father what was going on. “Daaad…” When she got downstairs she saw Crowley still sitting in his chair, smiling. “What’s going on?”

         “Nothing much, darling.” He stood up and put his drink down on the table beside him. “I have work to do so don’t bother me.”

         “Well what am I supposed to do with no electricity!?” Alex exclaimed as she watched him walk from the room. She sighed, then heard a familiar voice from the other room.

         “It’s Crowley, right?” Alex’s eyes widened. Sam….? She made herself invisible and followed her father, not making a sound.

         Crowley stopped walking suddenly, noticing the rug wasn’t perfectly flat like it usually was. Alex stopped walking too, almost too late, noticing the rug had a devil’s trap underneath it. That was close, almost got caught. Then what would I do?

         Sam and Dean looked at the rug nervously as Crowley lifted it up and folded it back, revealing the devil’s trap. “Do you have any idea how much this rug costs?” He asked, standing again. Suddenly Sam and Dean were both grabbed by demons, and Alex hid around a corner, knowing that her father and the demons would eventually be able to sense her standing there.

         “This is it, right?” Crowley lifted up the Colt. “This is what it’s all about.” Is he giving them the Colt!? Is he mad?! That thing could kill him! And maybe even me! He cocked the gun and aimed it at Dean, but shot the demon holding him, then did the same for Sam. “We need to talk….Privately.” Crowley glanced in Alex’s direction, signaling that the last part was addressed to her, before leading the boys into another room and shutting the door.

         Yeah sure….I’m totally not going to listen in. She made herself visible again and stood in front of the door, pressing her ear against the wood.

         “...Why tell us anything?” She heard Sam ask.

         “I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face.” Woah wait…. Alex backed away from the door a little. Kill Lucifer…..With the Colt…? Will that even work!? She moved back towards the door to hear the rest. This was the first time she had heard her dad talk of killing the devil. Gabriel never mentioned this was possible…. Alex had been spending a  lot of time with the archangel, some of it spent talking about how to beat Lucifer, but most of it them just fucking around and getting pretty close to eachother.

        “Why exactly would you want the devil dead..?” Dean questioned.

         “It’s called,” Alex heard the sound of Crowley placing the Colt on his desk. “Survival. But I forgot, you two- at best- are functional morons.”

         “Yeah you’re functioning...morons…” Dean tried. Smooth….. Alex snorted softly.

         “Lucifer isn’t a demon remember, he’s an angel. An angel famous for his hatred of humankind. To him you’re just….Filthy bags of pus...If that’s the way he feels about you, what can he think about us?” Crowley explained. What does that make me, I’m both… Alex thought.

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