Chapter fifteen

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 Chapter 15

*Warning- Lots of fluff. If you can't handle cuteness I suggest you leave now :D*

"Alex! Happy birthday!" Alex gasped and grabbed her knife from under her pillow, and sliced at whatever her attacker was. Being half asleep, she had no idea what was going on. "Ow! Again?!" Gabriel jumped back and held his cheek.

"Gabriel?!" Alex sat up somewhat and looked at the angel, waking up more.

"Obviously! What the hell?" Gabriel pouted.

"Oh get over it and heal yourself," Alex grumbled, putting the knife on the nightstand and pulling the blankets over her head.

"Mean!" Gabriel exclaimed, but did heal himself. "Hey wait, get up!"

"Ugh, why?" Alex groaned from under the covers.

"It's your birthday!" Gabriel nudged Alex, who continued groaning in protest.

"I don't wanna," Alex knew she was acting like a five year old, but she didn't care.

"Come on, get up," Gabriel laughed.

"What time is it?"

"Midnight...." Gabriel was still smiling.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alex lifted her head and glared at the cheeky archangel.

"Nope! Are you going to get up?"

"Hell no," Alex flopped down on the pillow again.

"You can't stay in bed forever," Gabriel reminded.

"Watch me," Alex couldn't help but smile a little.

"Alex!" Gabriel whined, drawing out her name.

"Gabriel," Alex mocked his tone.

"Get up."

"Make me."

"Fine." Gabriel easily moved the blankets off of Alex and grabbed her, picking up the rather small girl and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Hey! Wait, no!" Alex tried to wiggle her way out of his arms.

"You asked for it," Gabriel chuckled.

"Douche bag..." Alex muttered and accepted her fate.

Gabriel laughed again and put her down, "Well, what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Actually sleep for once," Alex muttered.

"No, seriously."

"I don't know...?" Alex shrugged. "I haven't celebrated it in like...eleven years or something..."

"Really...?" Gabriel asked, then realized she hadn't since her mother died.

"Yeah. My dad's not that into holidays." Alex chuckled lightly.

"Well...If you could do anything at all, what would it be?"

"Uh..." Alex thought for a while. "Well, we can't do much at twelve in the morning."

"True..." Gabriel frowned.

"Does that mean I can go back to sleep?" Alex hoped to get more than three hours of sleep this time.

"Yeah, fine..." Gabriel pouted again.

Alex chuckled a bit, "You're such a kid." Then she got a random idea, "Wanna join?"

"So you're the cuddly type, huh?" Gabriel smirked.

Alex blushed and looked away, "Shut up."


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