Chapter 2: Separated

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The four friends are now in the ship flying around to a new world to get to Issei was surprised so was Sora this whole thing was very new to them and now here they were traveling to different worlds trying to save them something Issei and Sora weren't expecting but now they hold the responsibility to help so that's what they'll do.

But as for now the group arrived to their destination landing but ended up falling into a hole falling really slowly Issei was falling normally so was Sora and Donald it was Goofy who chose to sleep midair...

Issei: Goofy um...

Donald: Let's him find out in a bit.

Sora: But-

Donald: Just watch.

They finally landed on the ground with everyone landing on the ground nicely but Goofy landing right in his back and smacking his head on the floor.

Issei: You alright Goof?

Goofy: Yeah just a light headache now...

Sora: Hey guys look!

The three turn to see a rabbit running yelling out hes late confusing the group.

Issei: What is he late for? And my next question is why the heck is there a talking rabbit?

Sora: You ask that but we are with a talking dog and duck.

Issei: Good point.

The 4 of them began walking towards where the rabbit was going just to see it has shrunk and run through a door.

Issei: How the hell!? Oi Donald mind giving me hand?

Donald: On it.

So both Issei and Donald began yanking on the door knob trying to pry it open until...

Knob: My word cant someone get some shut eye here...

Issei: Holy crap it talks!

Goofy: Garsh were sorry for disturbing you sleep but we are trying to find a way to get short.

Knob: *Yawn* Those bottle on that table over there it will make you shrink and the other will turn you back to normal now if you need me I'll be taking my nap again.

Issei: Lazy Knob...

All four of them went towards the drink each getting a sip and they all began shrinking down but Issei stayed the same height to move the bed blocking their way for a new route and he drank the potion being the same size as Sora and the others.

Going through entrance all they way into a court going on.

Issei: What the heck is going on...

Sora: I don't know Donald?

Donald: A courting it seems let's not get involved.

Issei: Well let's see what happens.

So they watched as the Alice girl have an unfair trial all just because the Queen says so if she committed a crime it's because she says so this was getting under Isseis skin pull out his gaunlets ready to attack but Goofy held him back.

Goofy: Issei calm down nothing will be solved with violence!

Issei: Tell that to the heartless we defeat...

They continue watching but once they heard the queen of heart say that she attacked her aiming for her hearts getting Issei and Soras attention.

Issei: That's heartless...


Issei: Oh no you don't!

Issei without thinking punched the ground under them causing a mini quake causing the guards to fall over giving Issei the chance to grab Alice picking her up bridal style.

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