Chapter 3: Kung Fu

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Issei now in the middle of space freaking out since this was all new to him he was now flying to the new world he had to go to since Draig was pretty much in control at the moment since Issei sucked at flying crashing into several meteors but once getting to this new world he dove in ready to see what the new world has to offer him

Upon landing Isseis style has changed one huge difference was he now had fur...

Issei: What in the fuck!?

Getting out of the alley he was in to the sidewalk to notice everyone was an animals pigs rabbits goats he even saw a duck.

Issei: Oh my god... Soras mothers told me about these people I didn't think they were true...

Issei looked into the mirror to see himself and what he saw shocked him he himself was an animal now.

Issei looked into the mirror to see himself and what he saw shocked him he himself was an animal now

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Issei: Draig give me back my body!

Draig: You think this is my doing!? Its the worlds doing just deal with it partner!

Issei: I wanna freaking die! What's worst I got two tails...wait Alan Elen!?

Alan: Yes we are humanoid! And we can talk!

Elen: Yay! Issei we can finally speak with you!

Issei: Whoa sweet you two! But you guys are still the same height...

Alan: Don't worry we can still kick butt! Don't judge our power!

Issei: Yeah yeah Alright now where too?

Elen: Why not up those stairs I mean look at everyone else going up there that's Panda is having trouble as well...

Issei: Well let's-

Before Issei could finish his sentence before sencing the heartless appearing all the way at the top.

Issei: Ok helping Panda later gotta help them with those heartless!

Issei began jumping the stairs all the way to the top catching the Pandas attention.

???: he part of the group is he new!?

Issei got all the way to the top seeing the heartless spawn trying to attack the people Issei took out his blades slashing them in half what he didn't expect was other people fighting them.

???: You just who are you?

Issei: Names Issei tiger look can we talk later since you guys are fighting these things I'll lend a hand!

Issei speed has increase to the point the group were shocked on how fast he defeated the heartless more they were interested in his weapons one heartless wielding two katanas rushed at him Issei doing the same hitting it into the air before attacking it reaptly jumping from building to floor to keep stabbing the heartless before slamming it to the floor the rest of the heartless began running at Issei but he spun around sending a slash attack cutting the rest in half releasing the hearts.

Issei KeyWielder (Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now