Chapter 5: The land of the Dead

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No one has corrected me about Tiamats name I've been spelling it wrong the whole entire time I legit gotta go back and change her name on all my chapters damit lol.

Issei traveling to the new world he was supposed to be in right now the saw a small village but instead of landing there his keyblade sent them somewhere the exact opposite his keyblades just took him to a whole new place.

Issei: Ok so now where are we?

Taimat: I don't know but everyone seem to like and party here what do you think Tannin...?

Everyone looks around to not see Tannin at all till they saw him in the parade with a freaking sombrero and maracas with Alan and Elen by his side...

Issei: Oh god damit...

Taimat: Come on let's go get that idiot...

Tannin: Arriba!!!

Issei: Tannin get back over here god damit!

Issei began chasing Tannin but they got launched into the air thanks to a seesaw sending them into a castle where a group of skeleton were shocked to see them.

???: Are these live people?

???: How no one should be able to come down here if they are alive.

Issei: Uh... hey there...

???: Who are you guys? And how did you get here alive?

Issei: Well I can't really explain since even I don't know my swords just brought me here and well now I'm here...

???: Swords?

Issei: Yep these.

Issei pulls out his keyblades showing it to them.

Tannin: You think it's a good idea to be showing that here?

Issei: I mean we must have brought here for a reason also these guys don't seem too bad I can trust them.

Taimat: Alan Elen what made you think you should join that fool over there...


Taimat: You know he never had sweet right...


Taimat: Yeah hes a liar.


Tannin: I'm sorry!

Everyone just had a good laugh with what was going on everyone notice Issei and his friends weren't bad people they even introduced themselves.

Manolo: I'm Manolo pleasure meeting you.

Carmen: Yo soy Carmen good to meet you!

Issei also met the other relatives of Manolo they were all amazing people even his cousins that fought in the war.

Issei: Wow you guys have history but why so much bull fighting?

Manolo: Its a family thing...something I wasn't trying to be part of.

Issei: Why did you become a part of it?

Manolo: My father forced it upon me saying it's what my mom wanted but seems like he was wrong.

Issei: While I think it's wrong to force that upon you I think your dad really did love you he did this so you could make your mom happy I'm guessing that's something you wanted right?

Manolo: Yeah...even though she says she would have been proud of me if I wasn't a bullfighter.

Issei: So wait are you all technically dead?

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