Chapter 8: 358/2 part 1

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(Not much fighting just kingdom hearts 358/2 days short summary)

Kiba Vali and Roxas the new guy in their organization but also another some girl by the name Xion.

Vali: So we've seen Roxas fight we also heard you can use a keyblade Xion why weren't you using it while we were fighting the heartless?

Xion just stayed quite and didn't saying anything.

Vali: *sigh* Not talking again oh well can't get an answer out of you like so i'll just wait for you to give me an honest answer.

Kiba: For now lets go back to the castle and report back.

Roxas: Uh you guys can go i'll meet back with you guys later.

Vali: This is the 4th time you say that where you sneaking to Roxas eh?

Roxas: No where just up that clock tower to relax it's a nice spot to just lay back.

Vali: Huh i like that idea mind if we join you?

Roxas: Really?

Kiba: I don't see why no we are friends now so it would be nice to hangout.

Vali: What about you Xion want to join?

Xion just stayed quite and just left the group in the dark portal.

Vali: Could have said goodbye sheesh...

Kiba: Well come one lets go i could use a break from just listening to Saix get mad for no reason.

Vali: Anything is better than listening to that man scream for now reason.

The three new friends go to the clock tower where they sat on the edge and pull out the sea salt ice cream they bought Vali and Kiba never had it so they tried it at first they thought of it as too salty but than sweet.

Kiba: Not bad...

Vali: I could get use to this nice Roxas who told you about this place?

Roxas: Axel.

Vali: That guy actually does something other than sleeping!?

Kiba: Heh really doesn't do much when we go on missions...

Roxas: Well he only helped me a bit but it was enough to give me actual good training since no else really help other than you guys.

Vali: I blame my old friend for actually making me feel something with my heart.

Kiba: Or what we had left of it (They are acting they don't have hearts to fit in the group Xemnas knows this since he's the one who made the plan)

Roxas: Do you guys remember having hearts? Like do you remember how it feels to have one?

Vali: All i can say's something nice to have since my heart loved someone deeply i still hope to find them to this day...

Kiba: Vali...

Vali: Gah i got all sappy lets just enjoy the view.

(With Issei in the underworld in Kuoh)

Issei: So seems like we are here for the heart of Ruval Phenex.

Tannin: To think that Phenex is still alive after his death no one could sensed him destroying his family mostly his brother who looked up to him.

Issei: Well seems like they were deep within the Phenex castle in the throne room to be exact...

Tiamat: And these cloaks do a good job at keeping our power hidden.


Tannin: Quite little guy we can't be found out.

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