Chapter Thirteen

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What do you think it is???


Chapter Thirteen: Brooke

Lily has her hands all over Sam. Touching his arms, touching his chest. Everywhere.

It's embarrassing and tortuous to watch. And the thing is, Sam isn't pulling away. If anything, he's pulling her to him.

She's in his arms, they're laughing. I can just see them getting closer and closer until-

I stomp over, grabbing Lily by the arm.

"Come on my friend. Time to get you home." I say, tugging on her arm.

"Heyyyy Brooklyn!" She says enthusiastically. "What do you think to my new friend? Hot right?" She asks, drunk.

Now, I look at Sam and see him looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Come on Lily. We need to leave." I say again, tugging more urgently on her arm now.

Something didn't feel right...

Lily gets her arms out of my grip and spins towards Sam, crashing into his chest.

"Do you know why Brooklyn is called Brooklyn?" She says out of the blue.

My eyes go wide and I tense up - which I seem to be doing a lot recently.

Sam doesn't take his eyes off me. "Why is Brooklyn called Brooklyn?" He asks to entertain her.

Lily leans up on her toes and whispers in his ear, something I can't hear.

All I see is his reaction though. His eyes go wide with surprise, then a smirk curves his mouthwatering lips.

I hank Lily away from him "Lily that's enough. We need to get James and leave." I say, succeeding in pulling her away.

"Who's James?" Sam asks.

"My boyfriend." I lie, only seeing his eyes turn cold as ice before I turn around and go back to James, Lily following.

James's sleeping on the booth seat, sprawled out. But after a few attempts of trying to wake him, I succeed. "You want?" He says sleepily.

"James you need to get up. We're leaving now." I tell him, trying to be as gentle about it as I could, but I had to get out as quick as possible.

"But I just want to sleep Brooke..." He moans, his eyes fluttering shut.

"No no. Please, James. Please, just get up. And get in the taxi." I order.

"Fine!" He huffs, throwing himself upright and stretching.

I spot Sam leaning against the bar, watching me. I don't give him the satisfaction of seeing me vulnerable.

I make the stupidest mistake in looking over my shoulder at him, but he's not looking anymore.

He's stood chatting up a blonde.

My head snaps back forward, and I put my focus on more important things.

Like trying to get Lily and James home without either them of them injuring themselves.

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