5| 𝘙𝘶𝘯 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘙𝘶𝘯

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・ 。゚☆: *

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・ 。゚☆: *. ☆彡゚.
5| Run Girl Run
・ 。゚☆: *. ☆彡゚.

-"ANOTHER PARTY?" WAS THE first thing Stella asked her older brother when she got home from school.

-"Yes, and it'll be chill. I promise. Carol, Nancy, Tommy....."

-"Not Tommy! He's so annoying!" Stella groans as she grabs a bag of potato chips from the pantry.

-"He is not! So..... what are you gonna be doing tonight?" He asks while pouring me a cup of apple juice.

-"thanks for the juice, but I have no plans." I tell him truthfully.

"I'm gonna be doing homework I guess." I shrug whilst sipping.

-"Well, we'll be outside so...."

-"Is that beer?!" I point to a six pack, that one could tell, Steve tried so hard to hide.

-"Yeah, but we're responsible!" Steve says causally with a shrug.

-"Whatever you say," said a tried Stella, not really wanting to put up a fight. It wasn't necessary, and it wasn't like Steve was going to listen to her anyway.

The tween jogged lightly upstairs to her room. She glanced out her window and down at the pool below. That would be the most likely place for Steve and company to hang out.

A sharp knock on her door wakes her up from her little daydream of having her own parties when she got older.

"Come in," she calls out for Steve to enter.

He comes in and sits on her bed. He then pats a spot for her next to him. She takes a seat a studies his face. He exhales after running a hand through his hair.

-"So, I've been thinking about it, and, where were you last night?" He asks turning towards his younger sister.

-"I-I was...." Stella stutters in surprise. She thought Steve wouldn't have noticed.

-"No lies." The older sibling sees right through his sister.

-"I went to look for Will, ok. That's all you need to know." Stella mumbles quietly under her breath with a shrug. Her eyes dart back and forth between Steve and her window.

-"So you left the house?" Steve takes a stern tone.

-"Yeah, I guess." Stella replies with some sarcasm.

-"Just answer the question! Did you leave the house?" Steve raises his voice.
"And no attitude,"

-"Yes obviously I did. And I'm ok, so don't worry about it." Stella tries to calm him.

-"You know it rained."

-"A little rain is not going to hurt me Steve!" The girl rolls her eyes.

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