8| 𝘏𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴 2.0

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・ 。゚☆: *. ☆彡゚.
8| Hawkins 2.0
・ 。゚☆: *. ☆彡゚.

𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: ʇɥǝ 𝙣𝙙𝙨ı𝙙ǝ 𝙙𝙤ʍ𝙣

-"WILL?!" STELLA WHISPERS IN shock again.

Will eyes flutter open, and they light up when they land on his best friend. He tries to say something, but a faint moan escapes his lips instead. Stella is quick to get to his side, and she grabs his cold hand to make sure that he's really there.

"We thought you were- oh, it doesn't matter! You're alive!" She says in pure joy.

-"Y-yeah. T-this place is w-weird." Will stutters while looking up and around Castle Byers.


-"Shhh!" A sudden burst of energy goes through Will as he jolts up and covers Stella's mouth with his cold hand.

Fear can be seen in his eyes while Stella's go wide in shock. Will shakes his head as if to say "don't you dare make a sound". Stella is confused until she hears a growl come from outside. Confusion turns into panic as she holds her breath. The creature circles the fort, both tweens teeth chatter in fright. It stops and starts sniffing a wall. On the other side are a fear stricken Stella and Will. A sound in the distance, a similar growl to the monster near them, is heard. The monster looks up, then quickly leaps away.

Will removes his hand from his friends mouth and mumbles an apology. Stella stays still, as she tries to put the puzzle pieces together.

-"WHAT WAS THAT?!" She hisses in panic.

Will sits up and shakes his head. He pats a spot on the makeshift bed for her to sit. The girl moves to the assigned spot and looks at Will in worry.

-"I don't know. What I do know, is that it's attracted to blood. I saw another creature type thing that had blood all over it. That thing came out of no where and started eating it," Will pauses.

"How did you get here?" He turns towards the girl sitting beside him with a curious expression.

-"I was out looking for you. Then this thing on the road came. I ran and ran, then was lifted in the air, I don't remember the details." Stella answers to their best of her ability.

-"That sounds like my story." Will says slowly.

He tries to stand to his feet, but fails and falls back down on to the makeshift bed. Stella reaches out just in time to help. She grabs her backpack, unzips it, and grabs her apple. She pulls her pocket knife out of her pocket and cuts off a small piece of the fruit for Will to eat.

-"Here," She hands him the food.

"I'd give you more, but I don't know how long we'll be here for. I've lost all sense of time. It was Tuesday when I got taken. I don't even know how time works here or if it even works at all!" She sits back down on the edge of the bed and brings her knees to her chest.

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