Lost In Thought

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*Ron's Point Of View*

I'm a bit puzzled and concerned when Hermione doesn't show up in the Great Hall for the evening meal, but even more so as the minutes tick by and Bella too is nowhere to be found.

"Where could Bella be?" I ask Harry worriedly. "What is she doing? Why isn't she here?" Harry shrugs dismissively, but I'm not happy with that response, so I continue.  "When will I see her again? What if she hates me? What if she doesn't want to see me?"

"Ron, this is your tenth time asking me this in the last ten minutes," Harry sighs in exasperation. "Give it a rest. I'm sure the girls are fine. I just talked to Hermione a bit ago."

"You did? What did she say? Has she talked to Bella? Is she with her now?" I ask.

"I don't know. I didn't ask her about that. Could you pipe down? You're practically yelling in my ear," Harry grumbles as he helps himself to some more Yorkshire pudding.

"Sorry," I mutter. My legs are shaking with nerves under the table, and they're shaking so hard the whole table is rattling. The pumpkin juice in my glass jumps with every shake, looking ready to slosh and spill over. 

"You haven't had a bite of food," Neville points out with a furrow of his brow. "That's so unlike you. You really should eat something, you know."

"I'm not hungry," I mumble, glancing down at the steak and kidney pie on my platter. I feel almost disgusted by the thought of food right now, which is saying something. How can I eat when Bella is missing? What if she's discussing me with Hermione right now, telling her how much she hates my guts?

"Suit yourself," Neville says around a mouthful of boiled potatoes. He shrugs, but there's a look of concern on his face, though he doesn't press the matter any further. 

"You know, Neville's right," Harry whispers to me a few minutes later. "You've got to eat. Come on. At least a few bites. Eat a little something. You'll cheer up. I know you're stressed about Bella, but you can't go hungry."

"Yes, I can go hungry. And I will," I snap defiantly. My stomach lets out a low growl of protest, but I ignore it. 

"Fine. I can't force you. But can you at least stop shaking the entire bloody table?" Harry complains, gesturing to my bouncing legs.

"Yeah, that would be much appreciated," Seamus agrees. "You're tossing my drink about with all that shaking."

"Whatever," I say with a roll of my eyes, rising from the table and stomping a short distance away. "Happy now?"

"Oi, Ron! What's all this? Why are you being so moody?" Seamus asks, looking incredulous. 

"He's on his man-period. Mood swings and that," Harry mumbles. Everyone laughs. Even I can't help but crack a smile.

"Sorry, lads," I chuckle as I sit back down at the table again. "I am being a total arse, aren't I?"

"Absolutely," Harry says with a laugh. "But we still love you anyway." I roll my eyes and grin.

"Does this mean you'll eat now?" Neville asks hopefully. "You know, I get so worried when people don't eat."

"Does this mean you'll stop being a stupid git?" Harry teases me.

"No, but thanks for asking," I say. The boys all laugh, except for Neville, who still looks hesitant. "Neville, I'm fine. Really. I've just got a lot on my mind. I'll eat tomorrow, I promise." Seeming satisfied with my answer, Neville goes back to eating. I push my plate further away as I rest my head on the table and go back to worrying about Bella. I close my eyes and mentally revisit that moment in The Three Broomsticks. That moment I've dreamed of for years. That moment I want to replay over and over and never stop. That moment of boldness and passion. That moment that changed everything.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now