Chapter One

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~~~~Rosemary's Pov~~~~

You want battle? I'll give war.

If only I knew that these words would become true in the very near future. Everything would be at risk, my family, my friends, our future, our world and way of life....all because I loved a man who was with our enemy.

My name is Rosemary Cullen, and this is the story of how I ruined everything

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My name is Rosemary Cullen, and this is the story of how I ruined everything.

I guess I'll start from the beginning of this, it's like the only way to start this story. I'm the daughter of Isabella Marie Swan Cullen and Edward Antony Mason Cullen.

When my mother had gotten pregnant she was only human, oh and did I forget to mention that my father's a vampire? Anyway during my mother's pregnancy she suffered a lot and was dying because me and my twin sister Renesmee were drinking her blood.

Everyone told her to get rid of us and terminate the pregnancy...but she refused and defended us.

Soon everyone else realized that we were just as innocent as our mother said we were. During the night of our birth, we actually almost died because her spine had snapped from the pressure on it and we couldn't breathe.

But our father saved us and turned my mother into a vampire. Also on that night, my mother's best friend Jacob Black had snuck back into the house to kill us. But one look into my sister's eyes and the shapeshifter found himself hopelessly in love.

Let's just say that when my mother woke up, she wasn't very happy about that but no one could stop it, Jacob was forever going to be in my sister's life.

And after that everything seemed almost perfect. Until our cousin Irina Denali saw us and mistaken us for immortal children or in other words a child vampire which were illegal to create.

Irina and her sisters had a bad past with an immortal child so she ran to the only people she thought could make things right, the Volturi, rulers over all vampires. When my family found out about this they collected as many witnesses they could and hoped no one would get hurt and that we could avoid a battle.

Sadly on the day we met with the Volturi...we lost Irina, I never knew her but I could tell she was just looking for someone to help with her pain and understand it. Thanks to my aunt Alice there was no battle and everyone was safe.

Its also where I met him, Alec Volturi my mate and my families enemy. I was too young to understand the meaning of love back then, but I did know that after he left, leaving me his crest, I felt like my chest hurt, like someone put their hand inside me and ripped out my heart and soul.

After I was older and sat down with my mother and talked with her, I realized what love was. Because what I was feeling when Alec left me was the same thing my mother felt when my father left her.

Soon I came to terms with the fact that I had to wait for Alec and I to be together. And if I had to wait forever....then I'll wait forever. I remember the day this all technically started it was another day at school and I was walking down the hallway with Renesmee since we had our free period together.

"Hey Cullen girls!" I guess the saying speak of evil and it shall appear is true. Walking towards us was the wicked witch herself...Bridget. She was pretty I'm not gonna lie, she had blonde hair that went down to her shoulder in elegant waves with pretty blue eyes.

"I hear you guys like hanging out with the La Push boys?" "Yeah so what?" Nessie asked while suddenly getting up in her face, but since Ness got our dad's tallness she actually stood a whole head above Bridget. "Well back off, they're way to hot for freaks like you two, especially that Jacob guy your always with loch Ness monster."

Before I could stop anything Nessie punched her in the face and I heard a huge crack. "Ness, she isn't worth it. Let's go." Nessie huffed at me but grabbed my hand and we walked away.

"I wish you'd let me beat her up." "Then you would have to explain to mom and dad why you were sent to the principle." I told her smugly while playing with the crest around my neck. Nessie smiled at me before she noticed the crest and frowned at me.

"Your doing it again." I sighed letting go of the crest and leaned against the door to the library. Nessie took my hand in her's and pulled me into a hug. "I promised that I'd get you back to him. And I will do that no matter the cost, I really want to see someone stand in my way. But don't worry, I have a plan."

She suddenly let go and walked into the library leaving me shocked and confused about what she just said.
What does she mean, "I have a plan"? Even though I don't like the sound of it I know Nessie, she's my twin.

Meaning she won't tell me anything until she wants me to know.

Hi guys welcome to book two of the Twin series, Renesmee's Twin: Blood Rose. First I would just like to apologize for the long wait but for those of you who have read the original version know just how bad it was.

Anyway bye guys 💖

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