Chapter Two

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Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. How do I begin to describe my baby sister? Well she's sweet, beautiful, kind, compassionate, and very, very naive. She's still that little girl who believes in waiting everything and hoping for the best. Sadly I grew out of that the moment my family was threatened.

I love my sister so therefore I'm gonna do whatever it takes to see her happy. Alec Volturi seems to make her I'll make sure they end up together.

This is where my grand plan comes in. It's messy and a bit impossible, but my family is kinda known for the impossible. Knock knock, looking up from my homework I saw my parents who looked very upset. 'Great I'm in trouble'. "I'm just going to assume that this is about Bridget right?" "You broke her nose Ness."

'She deserved it', "That doesn't matter Renesmee. You could have done some serious damage other than breaking her nose, she could have ended up in the hospital not the nurses office!" Who's side are they even on? "You have to control your strength and anger." 'Says the guy who took apart mom's truck to keep her from visiting Jacob eighteen years ago'.

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen!" Oops full name, I'm in for it now. I looked at mom who avoided my gaze and looked at her feet. Why wasn't she doing anything? "You young lady can't just go around punching people. It draws attention to us and attention means the Volturi!" "Look dad I'm sorry." He sighed and closed his eyes for a minute.

When he opened them he seemed much calmer. Keyword being seemed. "No visiting Jacob or the pack for two weeks." "What?! You can't do that!" He turned his back without a single word and left my room, mom following closely behind.

"Well, you certainly weren't much help." I shot a glare at my sister who was at the other side of our shared room. She was reading one of her favorite books so when I interrupted her precious reading she looked annoyed. "You should have known better than to punch last year's prom queen in the face."

Rolling my eyes at Rose I picked up one of our many throw pillows and threw it at her. She dodged it of course. "What was that for?" "Not helping me out." She smirked a little and went back to her book.

Typical Rose. She loves books.

"So how far are you in pride and prejudice?" She looked even more annoyed before turning on her side to face my direction. "I'm at the part where Mr. Darcy confesses his love to Elizabeth." "The first or second time?" "Second." I hummed and started tapping my pencil against my schoolbooks.

"Never understood why she didn't say yes the first time he asked." Rosie very annoyed bookmarked her page before slamming the book shut. "He didn't ask the correct way." She said while putting the book back in our bookshelf. "That doesn't make sense." "Life doesn't make sense." She's got a point. "Plus she just found out that he broke up her sister and his friend for no good reason."

Ah, there was the logic behind it. She always has something to say. Always, even if it's just a small fact or detail. That's what I love about her, she's actually just started coming out of her shell though. As a child she was much more quiet and shy about things. "So, are you going to tell them?" I froze, she knows how I am on this subject.



"Because I have the right to remain silent." She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes. "Just like how our parents deserve to know that their daughter is into girls?" She's pushing it. "Are you even going to tell Jacob?" "No." "Why?!" That's it. "Imagine how he'd feel!" I yelled at her, didn't mean too but she was pushing it.

"Imagine how he'd feel after going through two years of heartbreak over a girl to finally find relief in his imprint. Only for her to not even love him or feel the slightest bit of attraction towards him. Jacob would be broken Rosie."

Rosie pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded slowly. "So how long are you going to let the fear of everyone's expectations control your life Ness? It's yours for a reason." She walked away and left me with a lot to think about. That was a serious wake up call.

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