Everyone But Us

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You can find all used characters in the list at the end of my story with links to specific books or chapters. I marked them in the one-shot with (1), (2), etc.


On Monday I thought, that the Universe is huge, but we are probably the only planet with balanced temperature, amount of water and chemicals (we can discuss the balance later, I guess).

On Tuesday I opened my eyes in the Multiverse Cafe and suddenly I was laughing at "Monday" Scott to be totally closeminded fool.

I was sitting behind the table and looked around.

"Hi, welcome! How can I help you?" Asked the sweet voice.

I raised my head and blinked several times.


There was Mitch, standing in front of me and holding a tablet, ready to order. He was wearing odd clothes, I couldn't put my finger on it, but it looked very colonial-ish. (1)

Mitch rolled his eyes, when he realized, that I was staring at him.

"I lost a bet, ok?! Now I have to serve all of you until midnight."

"I see... But you slay that look anyway, Mitchy... and... all of me?"

"Um. Thank you? I quite like this one, it is comfortable, but still sexy, you know?"

What was Mitch talking about - sexy breeches?

"It is normally Scott's job, but he quite enjoys to see me like that, to be "a slave to all forms of him" and vice versa... He got used to be equal and not the slave anymore, but he sometimes let the "master" word slip and it makes me sad... Not in the bedroom, there it is much welcomed." Smirked Mitch.

I looked more than confused.

"Aww! You are VirginScott!" Chuckled Mitch.

"Virgo, not virgin!"

"Sure, sure. I know exactly what kind of drink you would need later at night." Smiled Mitch and almost ran away.

He stopped at the bar, next to the broad and very masc. guy, gave him a peck on his cheek and whispered something to his ear. The man turned around and my mind exploded. I was staring at myself.

I was frozen - my brain couldn't believe what eyes obviously see.

"Q, no!" (2)

Suddenly I felt a light weight on my lap and gorgeous Mitch appeared just a few inches from my face. "Kiss me, blondie." He whispered and I yelped. Mitch chuckled, but then somebody rushed around me and lift him from my lap.

"I'm so sorry, sir. He is always pranking newbies." Said the man and nuzzled his face to Mitch's hair. When I looked closely, I can tell, that this Mitch is totally different Mitch, than the servant, but still the same... Does it make sense? No.

This Mitch looked like a god, his skin was almost radiating and was so smooth, that I was tempted to touch him. He was wearing something similar to uniform, but half of buttons on his chest were missing, and the cut was so slim fit that you can tell, that he is not wearing any underwear. I have never seen sexier creature.

"You have no sense of humor! And look at him - he is a cutie!" Stated Mitch and licked his lips. I was sure, that I'm anything but cute, but Scott cuddling with Mitch in his arms surprisingly agreed. "He is. He always will be, Q, because he is still me. Kind of..." He added and winked at me. He was also athletic and wearing the uniform like from Star Trek episode. Red suits him well and I felt a little bit confused, when I found him very handsome.

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