You zap I sting.

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//Noon, Brooklyn, New York City//

"I got the tech you asked for Doc." Stinger said as his vibranium wings went back to his black backpack "Excellent job, Kevin-" Doc Ock said as Stinger cut him off "It's Stinger." Stinger corrected him as he took of his mask "I got your tech, now where's the money?" Stinger said holding out his hand "We're not done yet, there's one last thing I want you to do." Ock said "That is?" Kevin asked raising an eyebrow "I'll give you 20 grand if you bring me Spider-Man, alive or dead." Ock said as Kevin nodded put his mask back on and flew out "Soon..all the universes will be mine."

//On top of Empire State Building//

"Hey Peni, you copy." I said wearing the Anti-Sting suit Peni made "Affirmative, a crime had just been spotted at the JFK Airport." Peni said "Miles you ready?" I said to Miles "Got it Zack." Miles said as we both dove to the ground and web swinged to the JFK Airport. "Everyone listen up!" A guy said holding a plasma cannon "Tell me where they cargo plane is and we'll let you go." "B-but it just left a few minutes ago-" a woman said as the guy pushed her to the floor "I said WHERE!" he shouted making the lady cry "Maybe this will make you talk." He said as he charged up the plasma cannon and almost shot her but I took the hit "Nice hit, yet it didn't hurt." I said getting up "ANOTHER SPIDER-MAN!!" He said as Miles came behind me "TWO SPIDER-MEN...pfft who cares you both are going to die anyways." He said as he grabbed a metal staff which glowed green "Miles, take the citizens out..I'll deal with him." I said as Miles got all the citizens and I ran to the guy about to web him up but he blasted me without my spidey sense knowing "God damn it..not again." I cussed as I webbed the guy to me and punched him to the floor "Listen buddy I'm taking you to the cops." I said "Are you so sure about that...Spider-Man." He said but his voice  was similar and tougher, just like Stinger's "Stinger?" I said as he blasted me through the glass outside "What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted "I came here to collect my pay." He said as he flew down to me "What are you talking about?" I asked "I came kill you." He answered blasting me with full electricity but it did nothing to me "What the?" Stinger said "Anti-Sting suit." I said "I can absorb all types of electricity." I explained as I webbed him to the wall and threw a giant chunk of rock at him "You lose, Stinger." I said but he started laughing "You think this is isn't cause I'm not done with you yet." He said as he flew towards me, grabbing me flying to the sky "Wha- WHAAAAAA!!" I yelled as I zap Stinger two times to let him let me go and I was falling "AAAHHHHHH!! COME ON WEBS COME ON!" I yelled as Stinger grabbed me again only tighter "Gotcha." Stinger said as I started to lose my breath and he let me go to let me die "Zack...Zack you there?" Miles said on comms "" I groaned as I realized I was falling "IM FALLING!!!!" I shouted on comms "Zack use those gliding webs under your arms Peni made." Miles said on comms "Okay...let's try." I said as I opened up my arms and I started gliding "WOOHOO!!!" I yelled in excitement following Stinger "Okay...let's do this..." I quietly said dropping to Stinger, tackling him to the inside of a building "Spider-Man..give it a rest." Stinger said as he shot me with plasma guns but it had no effect on me "Stinger, Ock is only using you..believe me I know-" I said as he grabbed me by the neck "You know NOTHING about me, NOTHING AT ALL!" He shouted as he punched me to the ground kicking me "Once I get rid of you, I'll finally help my family, for a better future." He said as he blasted me through the wall falling into a dumpster. "Mark my words..I. Will. KILL YOU!!" Stinger yelled as he flew away.

//Aunt May's House//

"So your saying you're from another universe?" Aunt May said "Yes...I somehow got transported here and now I need to get out." I said while in pain from being blasted "Well...we do a Universe Transporter Portal, but we need massive energy in order to activate it." She explained "For now rest my great still have to fight for this universe." She said as she hugged me "Thanks Great Aunt May." I said as I left to the shed..Doc That doesn't make any sense, all I know is that if I don't get out of here, I might be stuck here for the rest of my life. 

(Also the Anti-Sting Suit looks like the suit from Far From Home)

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