2• Counting Sheep

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I sit in the bottom of the tub as the shower sprays on me from above. I stare down at Bah-dley with a frown, watching as the dirt comes off of him and goes down the drain. The little window to the outside world in our shower beams down light onto the dusty blue shower curtain.

I look up at it, the water hitting me in the face. Faintly I can hear songbirds chirping happily. I close my eyes, trying to get lost in a daydream. The showering water turns into a waterfall. The birds turn into giggling fairies. Sunlight beams not on one spot but everywhere, all at once.

I like showers. It's the only place I feel I can let myself just be. I don't have to pretend in the shower. I can frown all I want and no one asks questions. I can be pouty and I can be sad. No one can see in here.

Sometimes I smile so much my cheeks hurt. I seem to always be smiling. Always trying to pretend everything is okay, that I'm okay.

I am okay. As okay as I can be. It's just sometimes, it's really exhausting trying to show the world that. If I frown too much though, people start to ask questions and that's even more exhausting.

So I go in my shower and get it all out. Then I put on a smile and pretend that I'm not tired. That I'm not sad. That I'm not lonely.

I bring my knees up to my chest and hug Bah-dley close. I nuzzle my nose to his and smile at him sadly when I pull away," I wish you were real. Then maybe I'd finally have someone who could understand."

Bah-dley's sole surviving eye drops backwards as his soaked head gets weighed down with all the water. I sigh and squeeze him tightly to me. His drenched fluff slops together and makes another farting noise.

I sigh again," Me too, Bah-dley."

I let my cheek rest on my knee while my hand lets him fall away towards the drain. I stare at the water pelting the shower curtain and trickling down. The fairies playing by a sunlit waterfall disappearing entirely.
"Me too." I whisper before burying my eyes in my knees.


I finish up adjusting my high ponytail. The tail tickling my bare back. My fingers pull out a tendril in front of both my ears that falls to my collarbones. My eyes scan over my handiwork, seeing if everything is as it should be.

Today I'm wearing my dark blue strapless kimono dress that feels like silk to the touch though it's made of a far cheaper material. The skirt poofs out a bit, ending mid thigh. It has a high waist that ends two inches under the bodice. It's a two piece dress, whatever that is.

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