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After Taehyung stormed out of the room, the first thing that came to his mind is to head over to the rooftop where he usually resides whenever he's upset or just want some time alone to clear his mind. Truth is, he did tell the truth earlier about Jungkook messing with him but what he didn't tell was what happened after it. He was not completely innocent and turns out, Jungkook is not a total dickhead either.

He walked up the stairs, too preoccupied with his inner thoughts that he didn't even bothered batting an eye at the girls who just greeted him. Eventually, he snapped back to reality when someone stopped just in front of him. Looking up, his dull grey eyes met with another person's brown doe eyes, leaving the two of them staring at each other for approximately five seconds. The tension only grew stronger until Taehyung spoke or rather, lowly growled.


The other's eyes narrowed at him as he moves his hand to hold the railings, purposely blocking Taehyung's way.

"You move." Jungkook answered bluntly, gazing down at the other who pursed his lips in annoyance.

"I'm not initiating another fight Jeon so just walk past me and pretend we never saw each other."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him, "Isn't this a fight already?" He could almost agree with what the older just said but unfortunately, he wasn't too enthusiastic with the idea. See, there's one thing Jungkook absolutely hates: submitting to someone. Especially in this case, he will never even dare yield to his mortal enemy, Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed, placing his hands inside his pocket. "Move."


"You don't own this stairs."

"You don't either."

Taehyung popped a vein. Even with these petty arguments, Jungkook still manages to piss him off, quite bad. Any minute now, he won't be able to control his temper.

"I'm saying this for the last time, Jeon." The boy's name rolled off his tongue with such bitterness and despise. "Move or I'm dragging you upstairs." His gaze grew narrow, piercing through Jungkook's body like a laser beam but the boy didn't budge, nor showed any hint of fear after Taehyung's threat. Instead, the boy only grew further arrogant, smirking at him as he crosses his arms.

The next words he said was enough to snap the older.

"Do it."

Not actually expecting Taehyung to actually do it, Jungkook gasps in surprise as Taehyung grabs his arms tightly and drags him upstairs with him.

"Ow! Let go Taehyung! Fuck that hurts!" Jungkook tried to break himself free from the older's grip but Taehyung seems to have the strength of a beast for an average guy. No matter how much Jungkook squirms, Taehyung won't seem to budge as he continued walking upstairs, literally dragging Jungkook who staggered behind him to catch up.

When Taehyung kicked open the steel door, that's when Jungkook realized that they were headed to the school rooftop. At this moment, Taehyung slowed down, now walking through the short hallway with sunlight bursting from the other end. When the two were finally out of the tunnel-like hallway, Jungkook gaped upon seeing the vast blue sky stretching up above them, cool breeze blew past him, sending a tingling feeling under his skin.

Before he could even process what he is seeing right now, Taehyung shoved him hard causing him to topple backwards, a loud gasp escaping from his mouth as his back hits the stone wall behind him. He jolted in surprise when Taehyung slammed his palm on the wall just on his side.

Jungkook gulped, seeing the older's face hovering dangerously close to his but he remained cool, at least pretended to be. "What do you want?" He said sternly, trying to intimidate the other male but Taehyung was as cold as ice, his expression remainining inscrutable.

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