Chapter 7

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After lunch leanne decided to stay near the cabin and chill out while you go and see ross. you meet at the first place you met which is your most favourite place on earth. you've ross walking to the tree the same time as you, he pulls you straight in to a hug which you hug back and he tightens his grip alright alright you say! he let's go and says oh sorry! you climb up the tree and then help ross up but as soon as he gets up the tree his phone rings, *rydel* better answer it he says sliding his finger along his phone hey what's up? nothing just wondered if you want to come on the jet ski's with us. he looks over to you and you say only if I can drive! he laughs and says down the phone yer okay see you in 5! *end of conversation* ready to go get ready! sure, he takes your hand and gets down from the tree and heads back over to the lynchs house! you head back to yours and get changed in to a bikini and some short shorts which are good to get wet as your top half will be covered with the life jacket! you head out on to the pontune where leanne is and wait for ross! You walk up behind leanne and put your hands over her eyes and say guess who but instead she flips off the chair and lands on the floor! leanne starts to shout seriously you scared the shit out of me! why you say laughing your head off! I had my ear phones in you div. you laugh even more and sit down with your legs in the water. you ask leanne if she wants to join you but she said she was happy enough soaking up the sun! you left her to it just as ross,was coming with the jet ski! you jump in and wave to leanne! ross holds around your waist tight as you go over to where the others are. riker anx Rocky are on one rydel and ryland on another and then ell on his own. you speed off with the others going around as well ross holds on and starts to try and distract you by rubbing up and down your belly where you are most ticklish!!

you pull up over by the pontune and tell him to drive even though u hate going on the back but you wanted revenge! he got on the front and you got on behind then he took off you held on to his stomach then moving your your hands down by his sides and to the front of his thighs, he tenses up in a good way whilst keeping a steady speed and trying his best to concentrate but soon enough your hands travel downstairs and he realeses the speed and comes to a stop. he slowly turns around and makes eye contact with you. he takes his hands and puts them on your cheeks! by this time your hands have gone round to the front of his chest and to his shoulders where you have your hands round his neck. he smiles and pulls you inland share the perfect kiss.....

about a minute later rocky and riker with rocky driving come past you and make a quick turn! which covers you and Ross in water making you pull apart quickly! Lucky you had only your bikini on and a life jacket so nothing got terribly wet! soon the rest come over and all stop the engines until you see ell coming over with his jet ski and him driving. he pulls in and all you hear is Shan help! you look behind ell and it's leanne. you burst out laughing as you know she wanted some time in the sun. Leanne was holding on to ell like there was no tomorrow! all she wanted was some sun but some looks like ell had a different ideas! you looked at ross who gave a nod to some of the other guys and next thing you know he is grabbing your waist and trying to throw you in the water. You look around and see that rocky, rydel and leanne are all going in one by one as well. but you managed to throw ross in instead of going in yourself you look around and just see riker and leanne still on the jet ski's while everyone else is in the water swimming back over to the jet ski's.

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