Chapter 2

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The next day...

You wake up to R5 still playing on your phone as you put all the songs on repeat. You smile and walk over to the window opening your curtains to a sunny bright day! All that was going through your mind was he is sexy! when will I see him again? Has he got a girlfriend? Your dad knocks on your door and pokes his head round saying boat in 5. you smile and say okay, you quickly get dressed and head twords the boat with your wetsuit on. Your dad and mum knows you hate being in the water so they let you drive the boat. they were going wake boarding. You drove the boat and made them the best waves that you could. you looked over at one of the other cabins and saw people in wetsuits. your mum comes up beside you and says pull up Iver by that cabin, you go over there and turn off the engine, you then see someone with long blonde hair come out and puts her hand over to her mouth whilst running down and shouting marks name. your mum walks past you and off the boat up twords the woman! she hugs her and they start to chat when mark comes down and shouts to your dad! they shake hands and do the hug whilst holding hands, it's as if they haven't seen each other in ages. you look around and see 5 people 4 boys 1 girl walk out of the side of the cabin and a few recognise your mum and dad but you spot Ross who you met last night he sees you waves and starts to come over, you sit on the side of the boat. he walks over and says did you sleep alright? you say yes thanks, did you get home alight? yer thanks, how do they know each other. he pointed twords both of our parents. you say I have no idea have you been here before? ross says a few times but only in the summer how about you? you say that you come here every year for a family break. maybe they know each other since they were little then as the cabin has been in our family for ages ross says with a smile on his face. he goes on to say nice boat! thanks want to go for a ride? yer sure. you shout mum were going for a ride, she doesn't even look back and shouts sure have fun! ross jumps in and goes to the drivers seat, you give him the death stare and he laughs and moves over to the passengers seat. you take off and you see out the side of your eye ross smiling at looking at. you quickly turn to look at him and say what are you looking at?

You. he says. you turn back and bring the boat to a stop where your parents can't see you. you turn to ross and say wanna have a go? omg are you serious he says. yes. omg yes please, he takes the place and puts it in forward. he looked as if he knew where he was going. he stopped at a sculded place and said I'm sorry I have to do this he stands up and grabs you by the hips making you standing up as well, he looks down it to your eyes, both smiling at each other. he leans down and kisses you on the lips softly, you pull back and smile then lean in again to kiss. you both then hear voices shouting your names. Ross pulls back and says we better be getting back. he takes you by the hand and let's you drive back. we arrive at the bank where ross takes his hand off your thigh. we both get up and your parents start to walk over. Your mum starts to say that the lynchs are having a Bbq tonight and wondered if we wanted to go! you up for it? yer sure you say smiling at ross. Stormie says be here for 8? of course is there anything you want us to bring!? no no no we've got it covered. they say ad ross gets off re boat and your mum and dad get back on. you went back to your own cabin as you started to get ready as you woke up late and it was nearly 6 o'clock. you parked up the boat and then got inside and had a shower! you couldnt help but fall in love with ross he was the best thing that had happend to you in a while as work was taking over your live for the past few months. You got in the shower whilst playing R5 songs and singing at the top of your voice, your phone beeped but as you were in the shower you didnt realise it go off! You got out the shower and blow dryed your hair as you wanted to straighten it. your mum always said you looked better with it natural but you wanted to go with it straight for once as its a nice change for you. you quickly checked your phone to see the time and realised you had a message, you opened it and saw it was from ross and it said ' Hey, Cant wait to see you again tonight x' you blush and put back 'See you soon x' you put your phone on charge and started to get changed. you shouted down the hall to your mum and asked if there was anything inperticular the lynchs wanted us to wear, she came out her door and says just anything comphy! cool thanks mum you shout back going in to your room and opening your closet seeing what you could wear. you looked at one dress and thought no too over the top, skirt and top? nah. you look in one of your draws and see your summer dress that comes to just above the knees and is strapless, you got it out and the belt and put it on. you did your make up and hair and it was nearly time to go. you walked downstairs to get your sandles and you were ready, you got your phone out and saw the time was 7:45. your mum and dad walk down the stairs ready to go and off out the door you went...

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