Chapter 4

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After about two hours of shopping I finally managed to pick out enough furnishings to make my apartment livable, and it had left me absolutely famished. I exited the store and made my way further down into the heart of the city, looking for somewhere I could grab a bite to eat. The only familiar restaurant I saw was a McDonalds, its brightly lit golden arches beckoning me to come in. I’d had an extremely busy day so far, so I figured I deserved a bit of a greasy treat.

I walked into the restaurant, relieved to see that it wasn’t busy at all; the only customers were an elderly couple who sat huddled in a booth in the corner and a group of boys who sat smack dead in the middle of the place, laughingly loudly at something they were watching on a camera. After ordering my usual (a double cheeseburger combo with only bigmac sauce and pickles, unsalted fries, and a coke) I picked a seat just a few tables over from the group of boys I mentioned before.

I was politely minding my own business when a cluster of screaming girls burst into the restaurant at top speed and ran up to the boys I was sitting next to. They couldn’t seem to bring themselves to say anything, they just stood there squealing and muttering the words “oh my god” under their breath repeatedly. The boys just sat there and smiled at them good naturedly, as if this was something that happened to them every day. They couldn’t be famous or something, could they? No, I likely would have recognized them if they were famous enough to earn this sort of reaction from a random group of girls.

“What’s your name, love?” asked the oldest looking one of the group.

“K-katie! Oh my god I can’t even believe I’m standing in front of you right now, I’m such a huge fan oh my god I love you guys so much!”

The girl’s friends had started squealing again by now, but had worked up the courage to ask for autographs and pictures. Maybe they are famous….I thought to myself, while I ate and watched the situation happening in front of me. Just then, something clicked inside my brain. I recognized the voice of the boy who spoke first! It was one of those weird wannabe super heroes who had stopped me earlier, although he and his friends had apparently decided to change their outfits.

I glanced over at them again, and apparently they had caught me looking. After meeting my curious gaze they turned and started whispering amongst themselves, and then each of them picked up their tray of food and began walking towards me. At first I thought they were going to dump their trays and leave, but I soon remembered the exit doors were in the opposite direction. No, they definitely weren’t leaving. Apparently they were going to join me for lunch, I realized, as they pulled out the chairs at my table and sat down, resuming whatever conversation they were having before. I just sat there and stared at them. The look on my face must have read something like “are you people fucking crazy” because they caught sight of it and stopped talking mid-sentence.

“Oh sorry, we’re being impolite,” began one of the boys with his mouth full of food. He took a sip of his drink to wash the burger down and continued, “I’m Jai, this is my brother Luke – we’re twins by the way. This is Beau, James, and Skip. I think we ran into you earlier but we must have forgotten to ask your name?”

“Yes, actually, you did forget to ask my name! But you remembered to ask me why I wasn’t wearing a helmet so I suppose that makes up for it.” My comment earned a general course of laughter from the table.

“So, are you going to introduce yourself or what?” asked Luke, Jai’s twin brother.

“I’m Valerie. Do you mind me asking why you just signed autographs for a group of screaming girls?”

“Oh, um well if you look up the Janoskians on YouTube when you get home that might help explain it,” began the one named James. “The short version is that we do stupid shit around Melbourne and people seem to enjoy it!”

“That sounds….fascinating I guess. I see what you mean by ‘stupid shit’ though, what was up with those costumes earlier?” I asked with a laugh.

“Keep an eye on our YouTube channel tonight and you’ll see!” said Skip, answering my question.

“Oh hey, Valerie, I was meaning to ask before but your funny accent just reminded me, where exactly are you from?” Beau inquired, actually seeming interested.

“I’m from Canada, specifically Toronto. I just got here about a day ago, this is my first time in Australia!”

“We must have given you quite the interesting welcome with the stunt we pulled on you earlier,” laughed Jai.

“Yeah you could definitely say that! If I’m being honest it actually scared me a bit, I was beginning to question my decision to come to Melbourne!” as I said this I happened to glance down at the time on my phone screen, which read 1:15. The furniture delivery was due in just 15 minutes and I still had to walk all the way home and prepare.

“Shit I’m so sorry, it was lovely meeting you guys but I have to be going now! There’s a delivery due at my place in just 15 minutes, I can’t be late!” I announced. I was already up and moving from the table, anxious to get back and set up my apartment. I waved at the group of boys, making a mental note to look up their channel on YouTube when I got the chance tonight. Just as made my way out the doors and had started walking up the street back in the direction of my home, I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me to a halt. I turned around to see Jai standing behind me, slightly out of breath from having to jog to catch up with me.

“Hey Valerie, is there a chance I could get your number? You seem like a really fun girl and I’d love to see you again. I could show you around sometime, maybe introduce you to a few people? You know, ‘cause you’re new here and all…”

“Yeah, actually that’d be great! Here, give me your phone so I can put my number in.”

He handed me his iPhone and I added my name, Valerie Andrews, along with my number and address to his contacts list.

“Thanks, love,” he said as he pulled me in for a quick hug. I hugged him back even though I was slightly surprised (but in no way complaining) by his embrace. He smelled amazing, like a combination of clean laundry and a very subtle aftershave. It was the kind of boyish scent that just made you want to bury your face in its source and inhale until you were blue in the face. Before I had the chance to embarrass myself by pointedly sniffing him, he pulled back and gave me a feather light kiss on the cheek.

“Gotta go, but I hope I see you soon, Val!”

I watched him jog back into McDonalds and sit down with his friends again. They all ruffled his hair and proceeded to give him fist pounds and high fives, which I assumed was in congratulations for getting my number. I smirked to myself as I set off for home again. My phone vibrated in my pocket somewhere along the way, but I ignored it until I reached my building.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Andrews.” The doorman greeted me politely.

I returned his smile and greeting as I stepped in the elevator and pushed the button for my floor. On the way up, I checked my phone to see who the text message I’d received earlier was from.

Hey Valerie, it’s Jai, the guy you met earlier. This might seem a bit sudden but Skip is having a party tomorrow night and I was wondering how you’d feel about coming with me and the boys? You don’t have to say yes, just think about it :) xx

Well, it looks like I’d have a bit of outfit shopping ahead of me tomorrow. I texted Jai back saying I’d love to join him tomorrow evening before locking my phone and shoving it back in my pocket. This was definitely going to be fun.

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