Chapter 13

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I awoke the following morning to the warmth of Jai's chest, which was rising and falling at an even rate, his body still fast asleep. I was cocooned in the safety of his arms, completely comfortable save for the dull aching between my legs. I stretched my body out carefully, being as gentle and quiet as I could manage in an attempt not to awaken the sleeping angel beside me. While doing so, I snuck a glance at the clock beside my bed. It was only 9am.

Regardless of the early hour, my body was apparently ready to start the day seeing as I was unable to return to my slumber. Sighing, I slipped out of the embrace of Jai’s arms and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and slipped inside, allowing the hot water to work out the knots in my back. I stood there in silence for an immeasurable amount of time, just pondering over the events of the previous evening. It had been better than I’d expected and certainly much more than I could have asked for. Jai had been the perfect mix of sweet and gentle with just a hint of aggressiveness that had me craving for more. The image of his face as he came so violently last night was practically imprinted into my mind; a beautiful picture I knew I would remember for many years to come.

In a moment of clarity, the depth of which I cared for this boy who had appeared in my life out of seemingly nowhere presented itself in the forefront of my thoughts. I realized that I was slowly becoming so emotionally invested in him that just the thought of his potential absence from my life was almost enough to cause me pain. I was falling for him at the speed of a descending rollercoaster and I was helpless to do anything about it. The thought scared me.

As I was about to steer my internal babble in another direction, I became aware of the sound of the shower door opening and closing behind me. The knowledge that I was no longer alone in my reverie, and that the intruder was most likely naked was enough to distract me and cause me to forget what I had been thinking about.

I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, followed by a now familiar mouth placing hot, wet kisses along my shoulder. I reacted instantaneously, grinding my hips intimately into the body behind me and stretching my neck to the side so he had better access to my throat. Jai spun me around and for a moment I was so caught up in the clear, brown warmth of his eyes that my breath hitched in my throat.

He pressed me up against the wall of the shower before slowly making his way down onto his knees, staring directly into my eyes the whole way. I knew what he was about to do; my body was quivering in anticipation. He buried his face between my legs, licking and parting the sensitive tissue. He circled my entrance with the tip of his tongue and lapped at my throbbing clit, pushing two fingers inside of me, curving, stroking, ramming. It felt so good I could have cried. With the next suck I found myself coming with such force that my legs gave out from under me. I would have fallen had it not been for Jai’s toned arms holding me up.

He stood up, still supporting me, and kissed me softly; his fingers continuing to rub gentle circles on my swollen clit while I rode out my high. My hands laid, shaking, on his chest, my head buried in the crook of his neck while caught my breath and tried to slow down my heart rate. I could feel the stiff, warmth of his erection pressed against my hip.

When my breathing had slowed down to a semi-normal level, he looked me seriously in the eyes and asked, “Do you think you can handle anymore?”

“Yes,” I whispered softly in return, not trusting my voice.

He reached behind himself and turned the shower handle until the water stopped running.

“Jump,” he told me.

I did so, and he caught me, supporting me from under my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He brought us back into the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed. I watched intently as a few beads of water dripped seductively off the ends of his hair and landed on my stomach. Both of our bodies were still dripping wet, yet this somehow only added to the heat of the situation.

He walked over to the nightstand and pulled a condom out of the top drawer. The mattress dipped as he returned and roughly tugged me to the center of the bed. He stretched himself on top of me, pinning my arms to my sides with his biceps, capturing me. My hands fisted into the bedspread, anticipating for what I knew would be a hard ride.

“Fuck me,” I ordered, daring him with my eyes.

He let out a grunt as he rammed into me, sinking balls-deep in one hard thrust. I gasped; I still wasn’t used to how deep he was, even after last night. The connection between us was beyond intense, both physically and emotionally. I clenched around him, relishing in how full I felt. His entire body tensed before he reared back and slammed into me again. Hard.

Tightening his hold on my arms, he started fucking me, nailing my hips into the mattress with every drive. Pleasure spread throughout my body, reaching every nerve ending and setting it one fire as he plunged into me again and again, picking up a steady rhythm. All the while I could hear him gasping out a stream of raw, hot profanities under his breath.

Both of our bodies were now dripping in a mixture of water from the shower and sex induced sweat, our skin hot against each other’s, our chests heaving for air. Jai swiveled his hips whilst still inside of me, stroking pleasure right through to my melting core. I made a small, helpless sound of need in the back of my throat and his lips instantly closed over mine. I was desperate for him, my fingernails digging into his pumping hips, struggling with the urge to rock into his deep, violent thrusts.

He tore his mouth away from mine, a maddening look highlighting his features (however most prominent in his eyes).

“Come for me, Val,” he ordered harshly. “Now.”

His words were my undoing. I climaxed in a rush that had me repeatedly sobbing his name, the whole sensation magnified by the fact that I could still feel the tip of his rock hard erection as it rubbed against my g-spot. He threw his head back and clasped me tightly as he came long and hard inside of me. We rode out our orgasms together, wrapped in each other’s arms, before he finally stilled his restless hips and pulled out.

I leaned my head down and pressed gentle kisses to the slick skin of his throat, trying to soothe and calm his erratic breathing. I have no idea how long we laid like that, just absorbing the aftershocks of the mind blowing sex we’d just had. My entire body tingled and pulsed.

Finally he pulled back and kissed me lightly on the forehead, his lips lingering for seconds longer than I’d expected, causing a slight blush to creep its way up to the apples of my cheeks.

“Come on, Val,” he said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up off of the bed. “There’s no way we can spend the rest of the day covered in each other’s sweat, let’s go clean up.”

I smiled and let him lead me to the bathroom where we hopped into the shower for the second time in the space of a few hours.

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