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It was just another day.

Or so it seemed.

"What the hell! Don't zone out during practice, Hinata boke!" rang Kageyama's enraged voice throughout the gymnasium at Karasuno High. Tsukishima, who was coolly sipping his drink, sniggered, accompanied by his childhood aide, Yamaguchi.

"One more, nice serve!" yelled Nishinoya before Asahi, at the other end of the court huffed and served. Nishinoya expertly received it and sent it to Sugawara who tossed the ball to Tanaka. The wing spiker shot the ball excitedly, but groaned when the captain, Daichi, received it effortlessly.

"Nice receive!" clapped Sugawara and Daichi smiled silly.

Hinata snapped awake when the captain's ball was tossed by the first-year setter straight to his head.

"Oi! Kageyama!" said Daichi, "What did you just do?"

"Sorry. It wasn't strong enough to injure him though. He keeps dozing off!"Kageyama complained as Hinata whined on the ground.

"Kageyamaaaa!!!" yelled Hinata and dashed to punch the setter but Daichi stood between the two and said, "Enough now".

The freak duo looked daggers at each other but stayed put for they dare not mess with the captain.

"That's enough for today" came the coach's voice.

The players assembled as the coach gestured them over for discussion. Takeda-sensei was stuck in a meeting much against his wish.

"Next week we'll be having a practice match with Aoba Johsai. I want you all in top condition."


"Sorry I'm late!" came Takeda-sensei's voice as he dashed in.

"That's ok, sensei. Calm down."

"Good news, the week after the next, I've managed to get us a practice match with Nekoma and Fukurodani!"

"Waaaaa!!!!" squealed Hinata and Nishinoya in unison.

"That's amazing. Thank you, sensei!" said the third years and the entire team bowed, leaving Takeda-sensei a tad flustered. Coach Ukai smiled and said, "Well, this is a golden opportunity team! Use it! And rise!"


The team cleaned the gymnasium before heading home.

"Aren't you excited for the match against Seijoh? I'm going to definitely show that I'm stronger than Mad Dog-chan!" said Hinata as he walked with Kageyama and Yachi.

Kageyama looked at Hinata and tried to hide a smile. Yachi however noticed but said nothing.

"Oh! You'll have a setter showdown with the Grand King!" said Hinata and Kageyama frowned.

"His serve!" Yachi paled. Hinata chuckled, "One day, I'll be able to receive a strong serve perfectly!"

"Keep dreaming, you weak dumbass!" said Kageyama.

"Stop calling me that, you moron!"

That night there was a heavy storm. The next morning there was a cautionary weather report insisting that citizens stay indoors. Volleyball practice was cancelled leaving the members disgruntled.

Certain members were more annoyed than ever.

Hinata: The weather is a nightmare here

Kenma: Same

Hinata: I want to practice! I hope it gets better tomorrow.

Kenma: Right

Hinata: In two weeks we'll meet!

Pretty Setter Squad: A Haikyuu genderbend FFWhere stories live. Discover now