Chapter 17

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"You ought to tell a parent girls." Margaret says while I tell her to make a left turn.

"I am going to tell my father. Would you like to come in my house to talk with him? I'm sure he'd like to thank you for all you've done." I say.

She nods and pulls into my development.

I tell her the Gatecode and the directions from there.

I use my key to open the door.

I walk into the living room.

"Hey dad, sorry we took so long, can I talk to-"

I stop mid sentence and start to backup. My dad is talking to Chad at our kitchen table.

Tears form in my eyes and Chad's eyes meet mine.

"Dad get him out!" I scream.

My dad stands up.

"Lauren, he just came by and bought you flowers!"

"Chad. Get. Out." I say between my teeth.

"Dad, please get him out!" I scream and start crying.

"GET OUT!" I sob.

My dad nods Chad towards the door.

He leaves.

"Lauren, can you explain what the hell that was?"

Margaret comes into the situation.

"Hi I'm Margaret, I'm manager of the Starbucks that you're daughter went to. Allow me to explain why you're daughter is having a breakdown. From what I understand.."

Hannah takes me upstairs.

"I can't wait for Rocky to get here." I whisper while laying on my bed.

"I know, Hannah says as she plays with my hair.


>>Rocky's P.O.V>>

Lauren hasn't sent me a DM all day. I hope she's ok.

"Rocky!" Ellington yells.


"Do you have all your things?"

We are packing up from a venue.

Tomorrow we start the road trip. We are driving to the next two venues and then it will finally be two days before Seal Beach.


>>Lauren's P.O.V>>

I haven't done much since the Chad incident. Margaret has been hanging out a lot. She really cares about us, and I think my dad likes having the help around. It's like I have a mom again at times.

Rocky comes in town in 1 day. So tomorrow Hannah and I decided we would go to the mall to get a bunch of new clothes.

It's going to be good to get some fresh air. I've been in bed the last 7 or so days. I'm scared to leave without anyone.

I feel bad I haven't sent a DM to Rocky in a while. I hope he's doing okay. I hope he's not worried about me, but why would he? I'm just a fan.

"Hannah?" I look around my room and I don't see her.

"Hannah!" I scream.

She comes running in my room.

"Are you okay Lauren?"

"Yeah, I thought you were missing."

I get paranoid a lot now because I think that a certain someone has taken them or something.

"Do you think you could take a video to send to Rocky on Instagram?"

"Sure." She grabs my phone and gives me a thumbs up.

"Hey Rocky, sorry I haven't sent you anything in a while." I stop and cough. "Just a little torn up. I can't wait to see you. I-" The video timing cuts me off.

I tell Hannah to send it.

I probably look like shit in the video.


>>Rocky's P.O.V>>

We are on the road to Seal Beach right now. I told Lauren that we were getting in town in 1 day. But we're going to be in late tonight and tomorrow.

My phone beeps and I see I got a DM from Lauren.

Thank God.

"Hey Rocky, sorry I haven't sent you anything in a while." She stops and coughs. "Just a little torn up. I can't wait to see you. I-" The video cuts her off.

She looks like she hasn't slept in days. What happened to the bright and smiley girl who sent me the weirdest videos of her jamming out to R5? I'm going to find out when I see her.

I send her a video back saying that I love her and I'm so happy she's okay.

I can't wait to surprise her tomorrow.

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