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sunwoo walked into school. he looked around hoping to see something.

color. something he's never been able to see his whole entire life.

he sighed and continued walking into his locker. he took his books out and brought them all the way into the black and white classroom.

he was running out of time and hurriedly placed all his belongings in his desk while the teacher walked in a few seconds later.

he looked up to see two boys who looked very similar to each other.

"okay class. today we have new transfer students. please introduce yourselves." the teacher instructed the newcomers.

"hello everyone!" the taller boy started "my name is moon hyungseo but i prefer you call me kevin." he smiled at them, revealing pearly white teeth that didnt look too outstanding for sunwoo's monochrome vision.

"good morning," the shorter one grimly started "im heo hyunjoon." he looked around in the class. sunwoo saw this hyunjoon guy stare at him a bit longer.

"okay so everyone, i have something to announce. hyunjoon here has the same defect as kim sunwoo has, meaning he is only able to see monochrome. please do not tease him about this and defend him from bullies in the future." sunwoo stared at the said boy. the boy looked nothing too eye popping for someone who could only see hues of black and white. he had black hair and pale white skin, black eyes, and what seemed like a grey hued uniform in sunwoo's eyes.

"you two will be sitting in the desk in front of kim sunwoo. kim sunwoo, please raise your hand." sunwoo did as he was told. soon enough, the two approached and settled into their seats. sunwoo tapped both of their shoulders and managed to ask.

"so, are the both of you related in some way or something?" sunwoo asked in a whisper.

hyunjoon looked at him weirdly.

"no, we're not." kevin answered for the both of them. but something had caught sunwoo's eye, and even apparently, hyunjoon's too.

because on the back of kevin's neck, just right at the nape, sat a small fresh gash.

"oh, you're looking at my wound? i got it while showering this morning. i was getting a bit late and i rushed it and somehow got it." kevin laughed.

but it wasnt the reason of the gash that sunwoo nor hyunjoon was interested in.

no, it wasn't at all.

because in their monochrome vision, they've finally seen the first color in their lives.

the color of blood.

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