Gandalf We Meet Again

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Avilina's P.O.V.:

Its been a few years since I last seen the Wizard, and began my new life. But I stayed with Lord Elrond for a while just so I can get used to my new form, as well as crafting armor for me to wear so I could conceal my wings and tail. With the help of the elves who reside in Rivendell, I learned and trained so I could use my new appendages in battle. As well as learning the different languages like Elven, and Dwarfish. But after a while, I got a bit restless and I wanted to go off on my own and go explore Middle-Earth. Plus I got tired of waiting for Gandalf to come. So after telling Lord Elrond that I was leaving, he gave me some stuff for my journey and told me that if I ever need a place to call home or a place to rest my head I know where to go. I thanked him and with that, I spread my wings and took off flying high in the air to start my new adventure.

But that was twenty years ago.

Now I live a life of a traveler. I've been almost pretty much everywhere, besides where the dwarfs and woodland elves were staying. Lord Elrond warn me not to go even close to there borders where they would not hesitate to attack me due to the fact that I'm a half dragon and half human. So I did. I always ended up in small villages, the current village I'm in now is welcoming me back after hunting an orc pack a few miles away from the village. They welcomed me with open arms not even caring if I'm part dragon. So I swore to protect the village from anyone or thing that could cause harm to any of the inhabitants.

I lay my head back against the tree I was currently in trying to get some rest after doing my rounds late last night after hearing the screams of orcs a few miles south from us. My eyes closed for a moment before snapping open when hearing a twig snapped. Getting in an attack position I quietly pull my from its sheath as I wait for the intruder to come closer. It was the familiar grey robes and a familiar voice that kept me from attacking.

"Awe, so this is where you've been residing," a voice asked a few feet from my tree. "You can come down now my dear, I have no intentions of harming you."

With that, I jumped from that branch I was on and hovered a bit before allowing my feet to touch the ground. I examined the stranger before my eyes widen. "Gandalf?"

He smiled at me. "I'm surprised that you remember me." I snicker at him. "You have an unusual place to stay my friend. It took me a while to find you when Lord Elrond told me that you left. So what have you been doing for the past twenty years?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've been traveling from time to time before I found this small village that was nearly overrun with orcs. I couldn't just sit by and watch them die." I clenched my fists before letting out a sigh. "So I stayed, and I helped keep the orcs from their lands, and I helped them rebuild. So may I ask how you found me?"

Gandalf smiled. "A little...birdie told me." I chuckle at his answer shaking my head. "So I'm sure you are acquainted with the land. Are you ready for the trip ahead?"

"I am, but what is this adventure you speak of? You didn't tell me much the first time we met."

Gandalf nodded his head. "Do you have somewhere we can go and talk?"

I nod my head and lead him to my place that wasn't far from the village but was hidden among  the tree-tops. I pulled a lever disguised as a tree branch down releasing a latter that was hidden. I gesture to Gandalf to go first, who nodded and gone up. Then I followed.

"You should really consider building steps my dear, I don't think my old bones can make another trip up and down when I bring the company here," he says as I turn my head towards him confusion written on my face.

"Company?" I asked him who nodded his head.

"Yes, company. A company of thirteen dwarves and a hobbit," he tells me. "Now are you going to invite me in?"

"Oh, right where are my manners?" I open the door to let him in mumbling an apology as I follow.

I get some tea ready as I pulled up an extra chair to the table. "Would you like something to eat Gandalf?"

"No thank you, some tea would be good though," he says with a smile as I bring out some tea.

"So tell me about this company Gandalf. Who's all in it? And what is this adventure truly about?" I question him as I take a sip from my cup as I wait for him to answer.

"As I said it's a company of thirteen dwarves and a Hobbit. The Leader of this company is non-other that Thorin Oakenshield, Prince of Erebor, son of Thrain son of Thror, and we are going to take back the Lonely Mountain that was captured by Smaug. A fire-breathing dragon that has a lust for gold." he explains as I listen silently nodding my head in understanding.

"They're not going to accept me Gandalf," I tell him bluntly as I lean back in my chair.

"Oh, and why would you assume that?"

My eyes trail to him then back to the glass in my hands before speaking. "Gandalf, if a dragon took there home from them then any mention or a being who has any connection to a dragon, like me, they are going to hate me. They are going to hate me, they are going to curse my name, and so forth." I let out a sigh. "They are going to hate my well being. For what I am."

"That may be true, but I think eventually they'll warm up to you. But in the meantime, I do wish to keep that part of you a secret." I nod my head once more.

"And the halfling? What about him?" I asked not taking my eyes off of him.

Gandalf smiled at the mention of the Hobbit. "He's going to be our burglar to steal back the Arkenstone, the Kings Jewel."

"So where do you want me to go so I can meet this company?"

"That my dear is where there's a change in plan." I raised an eyebrow at him but kept quiet so he can finish. "I'm bringing the company here after we leave the Shire."

"Why bring them here? Why not just go towards Rivendell?" I asked once more confusion on my face.

He lets out a sigh. "That my dear is a bit hard to explain. I just hope that you are still with me after this?" it wasn't a question that really needed an answer to.

"Of course Gandalf, I'm still with you. Besides I made a deal with you and I intend to keep that deal. As well as the dwarfs I shall prepare for there arrival, and Gandalf you were right about asking me to join you on the quest."

He perked up when I said that. "Oh, am I know?"

I nod my head once more before looking out the window. "Dragons aren't something to mess with especially if they have a lust for gold. Back home I have dealt with quite a few dragons. Some were used during our war against Midnight." I looked at Gandalf again. "I have killed quite a few dragons then, I know each type, and I know where each pressure point that is visible and not visible to the eye. So killing Smaug won't be that difficult if they leave it to me."

He nods at my words. "Noted."

After a while, we talked Gandalf had to take his leave and head down to the shire so he could talk to the hobbit. I let out a sigh as I look up at the sky as I watch the sun beginning to set upon the horizon. Who knew talking to a wizard would take so long. I let out a huff of air out as I jump onto the railing; I close my eyes as I lean forward before allowing myself to fully fall from the railing. The wind rushed upwards as I fall; a smile crawls onto my face as I open my wings just in time before I hit the ground as I shot up in the sky. I stopped so I could view the stars that were peeking out from there hiding spots as the sun dipped lower into the horizon allowing the moon to have its turn. An all to familiar scream filled the peaceful silence making me growl as I make my rounds once more making sure everyone was safely inside the houses as I prepare myself for

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