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Bilbo's P.O.V.:

I woke up to the warm sun rays hitting my face. It seemed like a normal morning until the events of last night washed me. Bolting out of bed I look around for any signs of the dwarves. "Hello?" I asked out loud, only silence was my answer. I let out a triumph huff as I walked past my chair only to freeze when I see the contract on the stand next to my chair. I stared at it before grabbing a quill and put my name down on the piece of paper; then I began running around my home as I gathered things for the journey ahead. I didn't even double think to check that I had everything before I bolted out of my home. I raced down the trail, ignoring the looks everyone gives me as I ran past them.

"Here, Mr. Bilbo! Where are you off to?" a hobbit asked me, but I couldn't stop.

"I can't stop, I'm already late!" I yelled as I jump over a few tools.

"Late for what?"

I couldn't help it,but a smile crept onto my face. "I'm going on an adventure!" I yelled as I ran towards the border of the shire.

Thorin's P.O.V.:

We were making our way out of the Shire as we left from the hobbits house. The others began placing bets on the Hobbit to see if he'd come or not. Only a few didn't actually place a bet, like Dwalin and me. It was foolish of me to think that a hobbit would come on a journey like this. I was broken out of my thoughts when we heard yelling coming from behind us, so I slowed my pony to a halt and like a chain reaction so does everyone else.

"Wait! Wait!" The voice called again. I turned my pony to see that the hobbit was running towards us. "I signed," he said as he hands over the contract to Balin.

"Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin spoke as he smiles to the hobbit.

"Give him a pony," I ordered as we began moving again. I could hear the hobbit complain about riding a pony I just rolled my eyes at his behavior and looked ahead just as Gandalf rode beside me.

"We need to take a detour from our journey," he tells me which makes me narrow my eyes.

"Why do we need a detour? What is so important that we need to take a detour on this journey only to put it on delay?" I asked him anger in my words as I look at him.

"We need to pick up an old friend of mine Thorin, they will be a great help to us. For we have no skill on how to kill a dragon."

"And this friend of your's does?" I questioned him. He doesn't give me an answer but nods his head.

"Trust me on this," Gandalf says looking at me.

I mumble some curse words in Khuzdul before looking at Gandalf. "Fine, we'll take this detour. But this friend of yours doesn't come with us we're leaving him behind." I tell him as I rode ahead of him missing the smile on Gandalf's lips.

A day has passed and we're still on this detour Gandalf is taking us on. I question his motives. Why now do we need another member of the company? Plus we already have a hobbit who can't even fend for himself, what makes this guy so special Gandalf withholds this information till the last second? I glare at the wizard harshly not noticing that Balin pulls his horse by mine.

"What's wrong Thorin? You look like someone insulted you." Balin looks at me concern in his eyes.

"Gandalf thinks we need another member to our company," I tell as I let out a small sigh as I close my eyes briefly.

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