Chapter 28

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I was so happy.. she's mine again. I'm not screwing this up.. I done enough of that in the past.. I don't deserve her... but since she has given me a 3rd chance I'm not blowing it. Some people don't even get 2nd chances let alone 3rd. I felt like the luckiest guy on earth. I missed her a lot... 

Ready to tell the lads? I asked. 

She smiled and interwined our hands before knocking on the door. 

Louis opened it and when he saw us a huge smirk played on his face. 


my best mate.... I chuckled to myself. 

Liam came out and raised his eyebrows. 

well well well.. Mr. Styles and Future Mrs. Styles. Zayn smirked. 

Carla ran after him and jumped onto his back. I just blushed a little... yeah.. I wish I can change her last name.. but not right now. I just hope nothing bad is going to happen.

So mate... how'd you get her back this time? Liam asked with a smirk on his face. 

I just smiled .. tell you later. was all I said before walking towards Carla. 


I attacked Zayn for embarrassing me like that.. but he just spun me around while I was on his back. 


I giggled and poked his cheek before getting off him. Then someone's arms made their way around my waist.. and of course it's my boyfriend! I feels great to call him my boyfriend again.. I missed him so much. 

Your girlfriend is evil! Zayn yelled. 

fiesty girl ehh ! Harry smirked. 

I just kissed his cheek and blushed. 

So.... Carla.. we're going back to London tomorrow and we're going on tour pretty soon too... please come back with us? Liam said. 

I smiled and nodded... I miss home.. i'll leave with you guys! 

PERFECT! The choursed. 

Now.. since none of us had a good time in Chicago and our flight leaves at 3 in the morning and it's only 11 am right now... LETS ALL HAVE SOME FUN! Louis shouted whilst dancing around like an idiot. 

I shook my head and glanced at Niall who was eating a cupcake.

Wow Niall.. you and that cupcake have some chemistry! I teased. 

He smiled and kissed it.. we're so happy together! 

I laughed and poked his cheek before sitting on the island in the kitchen while the rest of the boys piled in.

where should we go forst? Louis asked. 

where I work.. if i'm leaving I need to quit my job....

then what are we waiting for COME ON! He chirped whilst throwing me over his shoulder. 

Don't you get tired of that? 

nope! He said popping the P , 


Okay... let's go shopping then Navy Pier, then buffet, then sight seeing! GO ! I ordered.

WOW THAT SOUNDS FUN ! Niall chirped whilst bouncing up and down in his seat. 

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