They would have to be quick.
Returning to Helen Yorke's for a second time would be dangerous...but they had to smoke Deborah. And that's where they'd find her. Or at least, what was left of her.
Their plan was simple: Sam would go in as a distraction while Dean and Jay came in a different way, rifling around until they found the thing that was pinning Deborah's spirit here.
"So so you know what it is? This new thing?" Dean asked, squinting at Jay with skepticism. He wasn't at all sure how much he could trust her now. She'd been wrong once, she could be wrong again. He pursed his lips, awaiting her answer.
"She's got this photograph," Jay said, noticing his upset and trying to ignore it. "She said that it was 'close to her heart'. She said that about the locket, too, so I just assumed --"
"Well, maybe you shouldn't assume." Dean barked in reply, shooting her a look of venom. Jay blinked, slightly offended.
"Dean." Sam cautioned softly. But Dean shook his head.
"No. No! A woman is dead because you assumed, and you can't make the same mistake twice." He snapped defensively at her, shaking his head bitterly.
"How was I supposed to know if I was right or not? I still make mistakes." She retorted. Her tone took on a bite of sarcasm as she narrowed her eyes critically at Dean. "But surely you've never fallen prey to a royal screw up like we lowly citizens have."
"She's right, Dean." Sam pointed out quietly. "I was there with her, and I didn't know. We got tricked, it could have happened to anyone."
"Yeah, but you got tricked by freakin' Betty White! C'mon! I mean, Jay I don't know about, but Sam, you're better than that." He replied condescendingly. Jay shook her head, curling back her lip.
"Well, I'll do my best to be not wrong this time." She assured him loftily.
Dean scoffed to himself. But if you end up being wrong again, and this thing moves on and keeps ganking people all over the states, that's on you."
"No, Dean, it isn't!" Sam exclaimed. The air had already been building and tightening with tension, but Sam's outburst caused a spike so severe that they all really felt it. "We've messed up before. God knows what's happened because of it, and you know what? We're not infallible! We're human! Jay's human too!"
"You are human, right?" Dean joked tastelessly. Jay gave him a withering look. He turned away, the grin vanishing. His face turned somber once more. There was silence, then,
"But you have to be totally sure."
"Dean!" Sam and Jay blurted out in unison.
"I definitely thought we just got over this!" She cried out in exasperation, and Dean raised a hand defensively. "Fine, fine! It's over, it's over!"
"Good!" Sam scoffed, shaking his head.
"Well, let's turn on some music." Dean suggested stiffly, twisting the knob. Blue Oyster Cult blasted through the speakers, drowning out all tension for the rest of the ride.
Snow was falling sparsely against the darkening sky when they arrived at Helen's place. The thin, February flakes drifted down from the sky, clinging to the grass, but not the road. Yet. Jay sighed to herself as they climbed out of the car. She hadn't stopped thinking about the boy. She couldn't help it. But now was the time for action -- so she dismissed it from her mind and shook herself, starting down the street. Dean was close behind. She risked a glance at Sam, who was hurrying across the street towards the house. Their eyes met for a brief second before he nodded once and went on his way.

1.1 Mother Knows Best: A Supernatural Fan Fiction
HorrorSam and Dean Winchester, hunters of the supernatural, stop in Colorado to investigate a series of killings that have been carried out every four years since 1946. Through the help of another hunter by the name of Jay Kingsleigh, the two brothers suc...