"Keep your suits on," Jay ordered as she jumped up from her seat. Ozzy raised his head in interest. "If we're working together now, we'll have a couple more errands to run."
She hurried over to the drawers by the bed, pulling out the neatly folded business clothes and dropping them on the spread. "We should stop at the coroner's to look at the bodies, make sure the mutilations match up. Then we can try to narrow-down who the next victim will be, given the pattern. Turn around."
"What?" Dean asked, twisting to look at her as she crossed her arms over her body, grabbing the hem of her shirt.
"Turn around." She repeated, raising her eyebrows at him. He did, reluctantly and slowly. Then, once his back was to her, Jay pulled the shirt off, replacing it with the dark brown blouse and black jacket. She faced the wall, slipping out of her jeans to pull on the dark slacks.
Dean risked a curious glance over his shoulder, and he caught a tiny glimpse of Jay's slender white legs before she snapped, "I said turn around."
And, smirking immaturely at Sam, who simply rolled his eyes with an annoyed huff, he did.
Once dressed, Jay suggested, "We should take one car."
"Sounds good," Dean nodded, grinning at her back as she snagged her notebook, tucking it in her pocket.
"Or I could go to the library and look up things about the victims while you check them out yourselves," Sam suggested. "I don't know if they'll take kindly to three federal agents investigating. I don't think it's really that big a deal to them."
"You're right." Thinking it over, Jay nodded. "Three of us will look suspicious. And we'll cover more ground if we split up. After all, today's the day, and we have a very limited window to do this since the attacks stop on the 29th."
"Exactly. You can drop me off in town and then go on your way." Sam offered.
"Are you sure you wanna do that, Sammy?" Dean scrutinized his brother. "You're being so helpful when, as I recall, you didn't even want to come in the first place."
"I changed my mind." Sam brushed off. "Are we going?"
"We'll call you when we're done," Dean called out the window at Sam as he headed towards the library. He turned slightly, nodding. Leaning on the window with his elbow dangling out, Dean gestured at the big building. He seemed reluctant to let his brother go off on his own. Jay sat next to him, because she'd called shotgun, and she wasn't really paying attention. "And call us if you find anything that mixes this up."
"You know I will," Sam laughed, waving at the car before turning again and walking off. He'd returned to his normal attire, because who wore a suit to the library? And it would be a little too conspicuous.
"Next stop, the morgue." Dean huffed, stomping on the gas and tearing down the street. Jay tensed at the sudden speed, her hand closing instinctively on the grab handle.
"Do you ever drive the speed limit?" She asked stiffly, shifting uncomfortably.
"I make a habit not to," Dean grinned in reply. Jay pressed her lips together in a hard line, but didn't say anything. "Does it bother you?" He added, glancing over at her as he took a sharp left turn that made her stomach flip.
"A bit," she replied, shrugging. "But I feel that won't make a difference on how hard you're pushing the gas."
"If you want me to slow down, you can just say so..." Dean said hesitantly.
"No, no, it's fine, do whatever... It's your car."
They were quiet again. For a couple of minutes, the speed didn't change, then Jay began to notice how it gradually decreased. She smiled lightly to herself. But soon the comfortable silence began to curdle, making them both grow fidgety in the tension. So Jay tapped the leather seat with a brown-polished fingernail.

1.1 Mother Knows Best: A Supernatural Fan Fiction
TerrorSam and Dean Winchester, hunters of the supernatural, stop in Colorado to investigate a series of killings that have been carried out every four years since 1946. Through the help of another hunter by the name of Jay Kingsleigh, the two brothers suc...