Chapter 2

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"Are you heading anywhere special?" Cross asked

"Umm n-not i-in particular..... j-just t-travelling" Nightmare avoided eye contact

"Hmm ok then well we should get going. Safe travels" Cross smiled at Nightmare and waved dragging Killer along with him.

Nightmare sighed in relief if those two recognize him he would be sent home and most likely forced to marry a girl which is not what he wants. Nightmare wants to find the perfect guy two marry and share his kingdom with but the chances of that is 0.1/100. And Nightmare doesn't mind being alone his whole life.
"Cross he was supposed to play for us" Killer whined

"Did you see how nervous he was, he would have said no even if we asked him" Cross explained

"Hmf........ He did seem scared" Killer crossed his arms in disappointment.

"Sorry Kills maybe next time" Cross said stopping to admire a rose bush the roses were black and purple, Cross favorite colors.

Killer looked back at Cross and smirked "Cross you're so gay"

Cross glared at Killer "HAY! You are too!!!" Killer giggled and ran Cross running after him.

"You're such a butt!!" Cross yelled tackling his brother

"Haha ha! No I'm Killer" Killer made a pun with his own name making Cross cringe

Cross and Killer just layed in the grass staring at the trees above them they stayed like that for a good while loving how they were finally outside.

Cross sat up and looked at his brother "hey Killer I'm going to explore the woods you can head home if you want"

Killer yawned "I think I might head home I'm pretty tired.....see you later" Killer stood up and teleported home.

Cross was now alone he stood up and walked along a small path that lead into the woods.
Nightmare found that there where a lot of paths to take so he randomly turned down a path that he thought lead into the woods (which it did) but he wasn't sure.

He found a nice clearing their where flowers growing everywhere. There were tulips yellow, red, purple, and dandelions the yellow ones there where also other flowers Nightmare didn't know.

Him being the sweet person he is he walked into the flower patch and sat in the middle he opened his bag on pulled out a small notebook it was a dream journal along with memories Nightmare wanted to look back on. He began to write his thoughts about the the flowers.

Having lost track of time and him having been walking for a long time he ended up falling asleep in the middle of the flowers he was a lump of different shades of purple. He had his notebook still in his hand and his violin in the other.
Cross was walking along the path it was getting dark but he really wanted to go just a little further into the woods so he kept waking till he came to a patch of flowers. But what confused him was that there was a lot of purple in the middle.

It was dark so he couldn't really see what it was. All he could make out was that it was slightly moving.

Cross approached it slowly. When he was close enough to make it out he saw a small familiar skeleton with a..... violin oh Cross remember him from earlier.

"Hey." Cross poked the skeletons face

The skeleton rolled over

"Hey!" Cross poked the skeleton again this time waking him up.

The skeleton squeaked in surprise he sat up his hood covering his head. He looked at Cross kinda nervously.

"You ok?" Cross asked tilting his head

"Umm y-yah" the skeleton rubbed his eyes trying to fully wake up

"Do you have somewhere to stay for the night?" Cross asked being the nice guy he was he wasn't going to just let the skeleton sleep out side.

"....N-no...." The skeleton looked at the ground in an embarrassed manner

"Well that's a problem....... oh I know!" Cross smiled "you could spend a night or two I don't think my brother would mind some company" Cross suggested

"...... you would let a stranger..... in your castle.....?" The skeleton put a notebook in his bag

"Yes I would...... why?" Cross was confused why this skeleton was excited about the offer

"I just...... where I come from people..... j-just don't treat m-me like this so I guess I'm surprised...... and confused" the skeleton in front of Cross seemed sad

"Well in my kingdom everyone is treated with kindness no matter where their from or who they are" Cross smiled again "so do you want to come?"

"S-sure.... but are you sure I don't want to be a burden" Cross sighed at the fact that this skeleton wasn't treated nicely when he is nothing but nice.

"Just come on" Cross stood up and held his hand out for the skeleton to take. But he didn't he just got up on his own

"Well I'm Cross Prince of Truth" Cross smiled

"Umm just call me.... Night" (I will call him Nightmare) Nightmare smiled back but it was fake he isn't a very trusting person

Cross grabbed Night's hand and then teleported to Cross Castle. They where still outside of it so Cross pulled Nightmare along to the castle holding his hand.

Cross didn't want to deal with the guards so he just teleported in. From all the teleporting Nightmare was dizzy

"Umm sorry I should have warned you" Cross apologized

Nightmare sat down trying to get a grip of his vision but he was still dizzy. Cross grabbed Night's bags and put them on his shoulders, Cross then helped Nightmare up.

"I won't teleport anymore" Cross stood still supporting Nightmare so he wouldn't fall.

Nightmare blinked twice "O-ok I'm good" Nightmare put his hand on his head then realized his bags where gone.

"Oh I'm carrying your bags sorry I forgot to tell you..... I also kinda thought you noticed" Cross smiled awkwardly

"I-I can carry th-them" Cross shook his head

"I'm do it. Come on" Cross pulled Nightmares hand and they started walking again.

Cross and Nightmare walked in. No was a little worried. Cross was excited to have company. But his excitement  turned into worry as he heard Killer "CRISS CROSS YOUR HOME AND WITH A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!"

Cross looked to his left and saw Killer running at them. "Killer manners!" Cross glared

"Oh sorry" Killer slowed down and then took Nightmare free hand and shook it "I'm Killer remember me?!"

Nightmare smiled and nodded "I'm Night" Nightmare shook Killer's hand back

"Can I also question?" Killer looked at Cross

"Ummm well..... I err...." Cross looked at Night he was sleepy looking and he looked exhausted. "Not tonight I'm sure Night is tired"

As if on Q (can't spell) Nightmare closed his eyes and collapsed. Cross caught him. "Is he ok?!" Killer yelled

"As I said he's tired walking non stop dose that to someone" Cross handed Nights bags to Killer then he pick Nightmare up bridal style. "Ok Kills lead the way to a spare room"

Killer walked to a guest bedroom Cross following with Nightmare in his arms. Ironically enough the room Killer picked was right across from Cross'. Cross didn't care and he just layed the sleeping beauty in the bed and then the blankets over him. Killer put his bags on a desk on the other side of his room

A Price Doesn't Have to Love a Princess (Crossmare,) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now