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Veronica's POV
I decided to leave pops without Cheryl because I want her and Toni to be together and when they get married and have kids I'll babysit them and probably steal their kids because why not? I also told Jughead who amazingly ALSO ships Choni.. which umm IS LIT!!! And he left too.. i went home with him.. and he went to wherever he lives..

I get home and flop on my bed and check Instagram and holy sweatshirt.. I saw Cheryl post a picture of her without glasses WITH Toni.. this is the first time she has ever took a picture with her glasses off and actually posted it.. Toni is doing greattttt


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Comments: 25363782828337626

CherryBombshell: having a sleepover with @TinyTopaz btw first time posting a picture with my glasses off!

KevinTheGay: My shipppp!! Awww I swear if  y'all could have babies they would be MODELS!!

ArchieShit: @kevinTheGay ikrrr!! I totally shippp

MidgeTheFridge: I thought Cheryl was straight?

BettySnooper: @MidgeTheFridge she is.. well that's what she always says.. idk

CherryBombshell: @KevinTheGay @ArchieShit I'm straight... and probably so is Toni...

JugheadTheHumam: @CherryBombshell Toni ain't straight at allll... she's bi

VeronicaLovesPigeons: @JugheadTheHuman thanks for that Info.. anything else you wanna tell me?

TinyTopaz: @VeronicaLovesPigeons you're so weird..

JugheadTheHuman: @TinyTopaz bitch I'm the weirdo here!

CherryBombshell: @JugheadTheHuman call her a bitch one more time and I'll skin you alive with your dirty ass fucking hat.. bitch...

KevinTheGay: @CherryBombshell I love it when Girlfriends defend their girlfriends!

TinyTopaz: @KevinTheGay excuse me! It's wife..
or wifey!

BettySnooper: @TinyTopaz Yeah it's WIFE Kevin NOT girlfriend you dib shit! Get it right!

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Cheryl's POV
Yes.. I posted a picture with Toni.. and the comments are insane.. and dear god I feel like Toni knows I like her.. it's making me wanna pass out.. "ready to go to bed wifey?" Toni yawns walking over to me.. "I- um Yes I'm r- ready.." I say fucking doodle doo stuttering, She stands near my bed looking at me.. "what?" I say confused "nothing.." she says and I swear to god I saw her cheeks turn a little red.. I made Toni Blushhhhhh.. she likes me... I think

"Umm Toni.. can i tell you something?" I ask taking her hand and pulling her to sit next to me on the bed "sure, what's up?" She says holding my hand "I'm not really... um-" she cuts me off "you aren't straight?" She says smiling a bit.. "yeah.." I say embarrassed "hey! It's fine I'm bi.. it's the same thing.. don't feel embarrassed, okay?" She says holding my chin.. "thank you TT" I say blushing at her touch "no need to thank me" she says looking deeply into my eyes..

I get lost into her eyes and i take a brief look at her lips and make my way quickly back to her beautiful brown eyes.. I see her do the same.. then I see her move close to me and close her eyes, me doing the same.. "Hey Ass!" Veronica says bursting into my room.. Toni jumps up and does a weird pose.. I giggle at her..

"Did I just interrupt a Choni kiss?" Veronica says freaking out.. I nod slightly.. "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She says slapping herself.. "can y'all kiss.. sorry for interrupting" she says kicking her armpit and knee which i have no idea how she did.. but she just did it.. I look at Toni.. and she looks at me and smiles.. "so y'all gone kiss or what?" Veronica says waiting.. "we weren't gonna kiss.. we were whispering about secrets" I say nodding a lot.. "oh what secrets!" Veronica says convinced..

She is so dumb.. but I still love her and she's my child.. "well... I told Toni that I'm a Vampire" I say casually. She gasps.. "And Toni told you she is Intersex!" She yells.. "Pigeon!" Toni yells.. "Ohhh yeahhh..." she says laughing "well I'm gonna go back home! Bye Choni" she says leaving my house.. "wait why did she even come here?" Toni asks me giggling "umm- wait you're right" I say laughing

"What do u want to do?" I say to her "umm wanna watch a movie?" She says, I nod my head I get out of my bed and get the laptop.. "what movie should we watch?" I say looking at her.. "Hmm How about it?" She says with a smirk.. "what's that movie?" I say confused.. "hold on I'll show u" she says taking the laptop.. she clicks on the movie and hits play.. "what's it about?" I say "shhh!" She says.. and I giggle..

We were at the part where the clown thing was about to eat the yellow kid.. "Toni what the God above Uranus is that?!" I say pointing to the clown.. "I don't know.." she says clearly lying.. I pause the movie "Toni I'm gonna have nightmares!" I say looking at her now.. "it's fine you can sleep with me" she says looking at me.. "oh- um ok" I say nervously.. I un pause the movie and I can feel her still looking at me.. "staring problem Topaz?" I say smirking..

She looks at the computer screen "what are you talking about" she says blushing.. "I don't know.. maybe you should check that staring thing out" I say with a smile.. the movie was almost done and thank the dear lord of the gays for this! I close the laptop and put it on my desk.. I then turn the lights off and jump onto my bed, scared that the clown bitch might pull me under my bed, as I was doing that I trip on Toni's shoe and I fall on top of her.. she was laying on the bed looking at the ceiling.. and I was pretty close to the bed so I just flipped on top of her..

"Oh um.. sorry" I say getting off of her "it's fine.. but that was pretty hot" she says with a wink.. "Uh.. Yeah" I say rubbing my neck..

Despaction.. heloooooo my darlings of the gay sea.. I love you and I hope you enjoy.. my WiFi is better.. and I can post so like yayyyy!! I missed y'all.. I have a question for yall... do you want Choni to kiss like right away or maybe wait until the prefect moment.. anyway thanks my lovely's💕

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