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Cheryl's POV
It's finally time to go to Toni's to babysit, I seriously don't wanna face her, I thought we had a connection, guess not... wait I have an idea!

I get my phone and call Betty "hey betts favor to favor.. umm so remember when I babysat the Topaz's for you?" I ask bitting my nails "yeah? And thank u so so much for that" she says "well.. you-" I get cut off by her big mouth "oh um I have to babysit them today but I promised Jughead that I would have my first time with him tonight" she says, I just hang up

Why is my life such a mess.. I'm just gonna ignore Toni all day.. and just stay with Olivia because she is way better then her sister..
When I arrive at the house, I ring the doorbell *ding dong digger dong* the door opens and reveals a tired Toni, out of all the people why her! "Oh hey ch-" she starts but I interrupt "don't Hey Cher me. Now move" I say pushing her out of the way

She then finally wakes up a bit "woah Cher, what's gotta into u?" She says closing the door, I ignore her

"Cheryl?" She says from behind me "have u seen your sister?" I ask normally "yes she upst- hold on why are acting like this?" She says moving her hands

I ignore her once again and just walk upstairs to find Olivia, I finally found her in her room sadly playing with her creepy ass doll "hey olly" I say

She looks up from her doll and looks up at me, her face brightens up and she runs to me and hugs me tightly "I missed u so so sooooo much" she says not letting go of me "awww I missed u too!" I say holding her hand

"Wanna go downstairs?" I ask, she jumps up and down "I'll take that as a yes" I say with a giggle

"I want to have a piggyback ride!" She says excitedly "alright I'll kneel down and you'll jump onto my back " I say kneeling down, she jumps on my back and holds onto me by my neck

"Darling you're choking me" I say gagging "oops, sorry Cher" she says letting go a bit, I just nod

I go down the stairs to see Toni watching tv "hey weirdo" Olivia says, she looks back and jumps up "um via can u go to the kitchen and grab me a popsicle" Toni says, Olivia groans for awhile and then she gets off my back and off to the kitchen

"Listen Cheryl, I don't know what I did wrong" she says walking towards me, I sigh in disbelief

"Can u at least tell me what I did wrong? Did I do something to hurt u?" She says sadly "actually u did Toni, you hurt me badly.. and I don't care if u try to ignore it, u know what u did" I say tearing up

She walks up to me and hugs me "one thing that I need to do is stay away from u and Veronica" I say pushing her away, her eyes widen and she looks at me

"Y- you saw that" she says looking at the ground "of course I did Toni! Even tho we aren't together, that still hurt me because I actually thought u liked me.." I say yelling at her, all of a sudden Olivia pops out with a popsicle "umm here t- Toni" she says stuttering

She looks at me and starts crying as well "oh u poor thing" I say picking her up "awh she's just being dramatic" Toni says rolling her eyes

"Listen I've got to go, I might not be back ever, you and Veronica have a good time together. Wishing for the best of u" I say putting Olivia down walking out the door "Cheryl Wait!" I hear Toni yell

I then feel her hand on my shoulder "Toni what!" I say, I then feel soft lips smash onto mine. I didn't kiss back because I was confused and shocked, when we pull away I look into her eyes and walk away.

I turn around to see her still there, then I look up to see Olivia looking at us from the window, I see tears flowing down her tanned cheeks

So.. sorry if it's been so long since I updated this, well not so long, but long... anyway I hoped u guys enjoyed this, love every one of y'alls!💕

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