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Veronica's POV
When I left Cheryl's house, I saw Toni walking, i decided to scare her by creeping up on her.

It was noon, and pretty light out so she would probably see my shadow, "Heyyyyy buddy" I scream in a manly voice, I see her jump a bit, then she turns around very very Slowly....

"Ugh Veronica! You scared me you pigeon obsessed Freak!" Toni yells at me.. "that's very disrespectful young lady!" I yell back "can you just shut up! I'm in a bad mood right now!" She tells me

"Look I'm sorry for scaring u.. are u good now?" I say slowly and calmly "no. It's not because u scared me, it's about something else" she says with sigh

"Are you okay?" I say seriously "I'm-.. no.." she says crying a bit "what happened?" I say hugging her, I never seen her like this..

"When I was downstairs, about to leave Cheryl's house, Jughead called saying that my mom and my sister got into a car accident" she says sobbing "aww Toni come here" I say rubbing her back as she cried on my shoulder. We both pull away from the hug.. I couldn't control myself.. and I regret it, well not really. We look into each others eyes, and we both lean in, and well we.. kissed, and it felt so Right!

When we pulled away I said "do you want to come over my house? I moved out of the woods" "that would be great, thanks Veronica" she says smiling/blushing at me, I smirk..

Little did they know that Cheryl saw EVERYTHING from her bedroom window..

Cheryl's POV
I can't believe this.. my best friend kissing my Crush.. this has to be a nightmare.. shit! Why would she do that, Veronica knows how much I like toni.. ugh I guess my mother was right, I'm just a loveless ugly monster. I decided to call archie.. for you, as they call 'one night stand'

"Hey Arch! Do u wanna come over.. for some little fun?" I say with flirt In my voice "Yes! I'll be there in 10 minutes!" He says excitedly "oh no Archiekins, I need you Now!" I say moaning into the phone, I then hang up.. "Veronica steals my crush, why not steal hers" I whisper to myself

Toni's POV
Well.. me and Veronica kissed.. I don't know what to do, but it didn't feel right.. "so Tonikins what do u wanna do?" Veronica says smiling at me "Well I don't know, what do u wanna do?" I say mirroring the smile "well.. I need you" she says smirking, what did she mean by that.. "in what way?" I say not meaning to smirk "mind, soul, body.. but uh mostly body" she says in a raspy, hot voice looking me up and down.. then she crawls on top me and kisses me, she pulls away and looks into my eyes.

I look back into her eyes and I kiss her. Hard.. we were on the sofa btw.. we made out for 12 minutes "you're so hot" Veronica says taking my shirt off, she scans my abs and starts touching them, I pull her closer to me and I kiss her.. she then starts to take my pants off, my eyes widen "listen.. I'm not ready" I say gasping "ok that's fine" she says getting off of me "that was good though, maybe we could finish later" she says putting her arms around my neck, and my arms on her waist

I smile at her and give her a peck on the lips "well I better get going, see you at school" I say kissing her lips one more time "bye hottie" shes smirking.. "Oh your shirt" she says giving it to me "thanks" I say smiling.. I then leave..

Cheryl's POV
**RINGGGGG** must be Archie, I walk to the door and see Archie with a bag. "Umm Archie whats that bag for?" I ask confused "for the sleepover, you called, or was that quantisha.. I have no idea bro" Archie says "go away, I didnt call" I say shutting the door in his stupid ass face "but the person who called had your voice, and I knew it wasn't quantisha, her voice is extremely deep... deeper then the sea" he yells from outside the door

"Archie Andrews get out of my front lawn, or you'll be dealing with the cops" I say, I then hear him run. Ugh I was gonna have fun today but guess Archie doesn't know the adult way of fun.. he's so stupid, how could Veronica like this kid.. wait a minute.. when she first saw Toni she said she liked her, but then she denied it and at the last second she chose Archie, why am I so stupid.. she didn't like Archie at all, she liked Toni.. but hid it, so it wouldn't effect our friendship

I swear when I see her pigeon obsessed ass I'm gonna- wait what if she doesn't even like pigeons.. she could've hiding that. She also liked them at the last second.. and that also explains why she interrupted when me and Toni were gonna kiss, she is such a stalker!

She's trying to steal Toni from me, but Toni isn't mine.. I'm just really sad that Toni kissed her back, I thought Toni liked me, moms are often always right.. I just wish I could be happy for once.. ugh and I have to babysit the Topaz's tomorrow and I don't really wanna face Toni.. this is gonna be sooooo fun..

And I oop- that's all ima say

Sike, have a fantastic gay day, and sooooo sorry for the long update, someone gave me an idea of Veronica being with Toni for a little bit, and then the rest I have to keep a secret.. so hope you enjoyed this.. kinda.. byeeeeeee❤️🌈

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